module for helping to group and count number of words in a sentence
version history
v1.0.0 - the very first version
Hello World :)
v1.1.0 - minor changes
1. improve code
2. Add total of words in result form
How To Use
npm i words-frequency --save
// <Import the function>
const wordsFrequency = require('words-frequency');
// <example sentence> :
const sentencesEx = 'RegExr was created by, and is proudly hosted by Media Temple. Edit the Expression & Text to see matches. Roll over matches or the expression for details. PCRE & JavaScript flavors of RegEx are supported. Validate your expression with Tests mode. The side bar includes a Cheatsheet, full Reference, and Help. You can also Save & Share with the Community, and view patterns you create or favorite in My Patterns. Explore results with the Tools below. Replace & List output custom results. Details lists capture groups. Explain describes your expression in plain English !'
const groupOfSentences = wordsFrequency(sentencesEx);
result :
total: 91,
data : {
a: 1,also: 1,and: 3,are: 1,
bar: 1,below: 1,by: 2,
can: 1,capture: 1,cheatsheet: 1,com: 1,community: 1,create: 1,created: 1,custom: 1,
describes: 1,details: 2,
edit: 1,english: 1,explain: 1,explore: 1,expression: 4,
favorite: 1,flavors: 1,for: 1,full: 1,
groups: 1,gskinner: 1,
help: 1,hosted: 1,
in: 2,includes: 1,is: 1,
javascript: 1,
list: 1,lists: 1,
matches: 2,media: 1,
mode: 1,my: 1,
of: 1,or: 2,output: 1,over: 1,
patterns: 2,pcre: 1,plain: 1,proudly: 1,
reference: 1,regex: 1,regexr: 1,replace: 1,results: 2,roll: 1,
save: 1,see: 1,share: 1,side: 1,supported: 1,
temple: 1,tests: 1,text: 1,the: 5,to: 1,tools: 1,
validate: 1,view: 1,
was: 1,with: 3,
you: 2,your: 2