
The goal of this project is to make it as easy as possible for WP developers to switch to Gatsby development with absolutely no compromises.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordsby from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wordsby';


Wordsby logo

Wordsby (WIP)

The goal of this project is to make it as easy as possible for WP developers to switch to Gatsby development with absolutely no compromises.

Wordsby Admin commits data and files from your WP instance directly to your gatsby repo. This fixes a lot of the issues around gatsby-source-wordpress for large sites.

NOTE: I'm using Wordsby in production with no problems, even though it's a WIP. Currently wordsby just works with plain .js files. .jsx, .tsx and .ts files don't work yet.

Sites built with Wordsby

Set up

  1. Install Wordsby cli with npm i -g wordsby or yarn global add wordsby
  2. Install Wordsby Admin, the WordPress admin theme (This is required to use Wordsby).
  3. Install the Wordsby Starter (Not 100% required but highly recommended, alternatively fork it and make your own starter).
  4. Run wordsby templates to generate a json file of templates to upload to your WP install. The command will walk you through the setup for that (for now, run it a few times and fix the errors it brings up until it's setup fully).
  5. Connect your WP instance to your Gatsby repo

Check the wiki for more info.