This write any words from array to screen and you need just one single line on JavaScript code. Inspireted me: npmjs website that my friend showed to me.
Tested in:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Opera
- Edge
- Internet Explorer 11
- Safari (in Windows)
- NanoBrowser
- Windows Phone 8.1 Explorer
- Chrome in Android, Android Browser
How to use
Add to HTML's head:
<script type="text/javascript" src='/wordsoutin.min.js'></script>
Create an element to body:
<h1 id='element'></h1>
Create script tag to body's end and write this code:
var element=document.getElementById('element');
var words=['JavaScript', 'PHP', 'MySQL'];
var delay=100; //how many milliseconds waiting two words write or delete between
var inWait=3; //you can add that how many step wait after a word writed (delay*inWait=how many milliseconds wait, so 100*3=300 ms wait)
var color="green"; //you can add that what's colors type out
var stop=true; //if true then timer will stop after write last word but if false then timer won't stop
var WOI = new WordsOutIn(element, words, delay, inWait, stop); //call this object and running :)