WorkEvolveApi - JavaScript client for work_evolve_api workEvolve Restful API generated by Swagger This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 0.1.0
- Package version: 0.1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install work_evolve_api --save
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing
into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your work_evolve_api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
You should now be able to require('work_evolve_api')
in javascript files from the directory you ran the last
command above from.
git then install it via:
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. npm install YOUR_USERNAME/work_evolve_api --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually
use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var WorkEvolveApi = require('work_evolve_api');
var defaultClient = WorkEvolveApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: default
var default = defaultClient.authentications['default'];
default.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//default.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"
var api = new WorkEvolveApi.ActionPermissionApi()
var tenantId = "tenantId_example"; // {String} ID of tenant to filter by
var role = "role_example"; // {String} ID of role to filter by
var permissionId = "permissionId_example"; // {String} Id of action permission to filter by
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.getActionPermissionById(tenantId, role, permissionId, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/websiteapi/sourcecode/public/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
WorkEvolveApi.ActionPermissionApi | getActionPermissionById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/actionpermission/{permissionId} | Get an action permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ActionPermissionApi | getAllActionPermissions | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/actionpermission/get | Get all action permissions resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ActionPermissionApi | removeActionPermissionById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/actionpermission/{permissionId} | Delete action permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ActionPermissionApi | saveActionPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/actionpermission | Save a new action permission resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ActionPermissionApi | updateActionPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/actionpermission/{permissionId} | Update action permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.AddressBookApi | getAddressBookById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/addressbooks/{addressBookId} | Get an addressbook resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.AddressBookApi | getAllAddressBooks | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/addressbooks/get | Get all addressbooks resource |
WorkEvolveApi.AddressBookApi | removeAddressBookById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/addressbooks/{addressBookId} | Delete addressbook resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.AddressBookApi | saveAddressBook | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/addressbooks | Save a new addressbook resource |
WorkEvolveApi.AddressBookApi | updateAddressBook | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/addressbooks/{addressBookId} | Update addressbook resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ApplicationPermissionApi | getAllApplicationPermissions | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/applicationpermission/get | Get all application permissions resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ApplicationPermissionApi | getApplicationPermissionById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/applicationpermission/{permissionId} | Get an application permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ApplicationPermissionApi | removeApplicationPermissionById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/applicationpermission/{permissionId} | Delete application permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ApplicationPermissionApi | saveApplicationPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/applicationpermission | Save a new application permission resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ApplicationPermissionApi | updateApplicationPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/applicationpermission/{permissionId} | Update application permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ColumnPermissionApi | getAllColumnPermissions | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/columnpermission/get | Get all column permissions resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ColumnPermissionApi | getColumnPermissionById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/columnpermission/{permissionId} | Get a column permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ColumnPermissionApi | removeColumnPermissionById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/columnpermission/{permissionId} | Delete column permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ColumnPermissionApi | saveColumnPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/columnpermission | Save a new column permission resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ColumnPermissionApi | updateColumnPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/columnpermission/{permissionId} | Update column permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.CustomerApi | getAllCustomers | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/customers/get | Get all customers resource |
WorkEvolveApi.CustomerApi | getCustomerById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/customers/{customerId} | Get a customer resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.CustomerApi | removeCustomerById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/customers/{customerId} | Delete customer resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.CustomerApi | saveCustomer | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/customers | Save a new customer resource |
WorkEvolveApi.CustomerApi | updateCustomer | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/customers/{customerId} | Update customer resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | getAllEvents | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/events | Get all events |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | getDataByEvent | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/events/{event} | Get data by specific event |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | getDataByRevision | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/revisions/{revision} | Get data of an item by specific revision |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | getDataFromAllRevisions | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/revisions | Get data of an item from all revisions |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | getDataRevisionGroupByVersionNo | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/revisions/get | Get data of an item from all revisions that group by revision No |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | getDifferencesByRevision | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/revisions/{revisionFrom}/{revisionTo} | Get the difference in fields values between the two revisions |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | revertDataByEvent | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/events/{event}/revert | Reverts the item to the values in the given event. This will undo any changes made after the given event. |
WorkEvolveApi.DataRevisionApi | revertDataByRevision | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/revisions/{revision}/revert | Reverts the item to the values in the given revision. This will undo any changes made after the given revision. |
WorkEvolveApi.FileApi | getAllFile | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/files/get | Get all file resource |
WorkEvolveApi.FileApi | getFileBreadCrumbs | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/files/{fileId}/breadcrumbs | Get breadcrumbs of file |
WorkEvolveApi.FileApi | getOneFile | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/files/{fileId} | Get a file resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.FileApi | saveFile | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/files | Save a new file resource |
WorkEvolveApi.FormApi | getAllForms | POST /programs/{proId}/forms/get | Get all forms resource |
WorkEvolveApi.FormApi | getFormById | GET /programs/{proId}/forms/{formId} | Get a form resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.FormApi | removeFormById | DELETE /programs/{proId}/forms/{formId} | Delete form resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.FormApi | saveForm | POST /programs/{proId}/forms | Save a new form resource |
WorkEvolveApi.FormApi | updateForm | POST /programs/{proId}/forms/{formId} | Update form resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.GroupSecurityApi | getAllGroupSecurities | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/groupsecurity/get | Get all group securities resource |
WorkEvolveApi.GroupSecurityApi | getGroupSecurityById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/groupsecurity/{groupId} | Get a group security resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.GroupSecurityApi | removeGroupSecurityById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/groupsecurity/{groupId} | Delete group security resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.GroupSecurityApi | saveGroupSecurity | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/groupsecurity | Save a new group security resource |
WorkEvolveApi.GroupSecurityApi | updateGroupSecurity | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/groupsecurity/{groupId} | Update group security resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.InvitationApi | acceptInvitation | POST /invitations/{tokenId}/accept | Accept an invitation resource |
WorkEvolveApi.InvitationApi | getInvitationByTokenId | GET /invitations/{tokenId}/get | Get an invitation resource by token id |
WorkEvolveApi.InvitationApi | reSendInvitation | POST /invitations/{userId} | Resend an invitation resource |
WorkEvolveApi.InvitationApi | removeInvitation | DELETE /invitations/{userId} | Remove an invitation resource |
WorkEvolveApi.InvitationApi | sendInvitation | POST /invitations | Send a new invitation resource |
WorkEvolveApi.LookupApi | getLookups | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/lookup | Get datasources resource |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | getAllMenus | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/get | Get all menus resource |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | getMenuById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId} | Get a menu resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | getUserMenus | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/usermenus | Get user menus resource |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | removeMenuById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId} | Delete menu resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | saveMenu | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus | Save a new menu resource |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | updateBatchMenu | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/batch | update batch of Menu |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuApi | updateMenu | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId} | Update menu resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuSelectionApi | getAllMenuSelections | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId}/menuselections/get | Get all menu selections resource |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuSelectionApi | removeMenuSelectionById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId}/menuselections/{selectionId} | Delete menu selection resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuSelectionApi | saveMenuSelection | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId}/menuselections | Save a new menu selection resource |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuSelectionApi | updateBatchMenuSelection | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId}/menuselections/batch | update batch of MenuSelection |
WorkEvolveApi.MenuSelectionApi | updateMenuSelection | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/menus/{menuId}/menuselections/{selectionId} | Update menu selection resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ObjectLibraryApi | getAllObjectLibraries | POST /objectlibraries/get | Get all object libraries resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ObjectLibraryApi | getObjectLibraryById | GET /objectlibraries/{objId} | Get an object library resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ObjectLibraryApi | removeObjectLibraryById | DELETE /objectlibraries/{objId} | Delete object library resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ObjectLibraryApi | saveObjectLibrary | POST /objectlibraries | Save a new object library resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ObjectLibraryApi | updateBatchObjectLibrary | POST /objectlibraries/batch | update batch of ObjectLibrary |
WorkEvolveApi.ObjectLibraryApi | updateObjectLibrary | POST /objectlibraries/{objId} | Update object library resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.PostApi | getAllPosts | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/get | Get all posts resource |
WorkEvolveApi.PostApi | getPostById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId} | Get a post resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.PostApi | savePost | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts | Save a new post resource |
WorkEvolveApi.PostApi | updatePost | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId} | Update post resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ProgramApi | getAllPrograms | POST /programs/get | Get all programs resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ProgramApi | getProgramById | GET /programs/{proId} | Get a program resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ProgramApi | removeProgramById | DELETE /programs/{proId} | Delete program resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ProgramApi | saveProgram | POST /programs | Save a new program resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ProgramApi | updateProgram | POST /programs/{proId} | Update program resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ProjectApi | getAllProjects | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/projects/get | Get all projects resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ProjectApi | getProjectById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/projects/{projectId} | Get a project resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ProjectApi | saveProject | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/projects | Save a new project resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ProjectApi | updateProject | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/projects/{projectId} | Update project resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RatingApi | getRatingByUserId | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/ratings/{userId} | Get a rating resource by user id |
WorkEvolveApi.RatingApi | saveRating | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/ratings | Save a new rating resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RatingApi | updateRatingByUserId | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/ratings/{userId} | Update rating resource by user id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReactionApi | getAllReactions | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/reactions/get | Get all reactions resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ReactionApi | getReactionById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/reactions/{reactionId} | Get a reaction resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReactionApi | removeReactoinById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/reactions/{reactionId} | Delete reaction resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReactionApi | saveReaction | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/reactions | Save a new reaction resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ReactionApi | updateReaction | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/reactions/{reactionId} | Update reaction resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyApi | getAllReplies | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/get | Get all replies resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyApi | getReplyById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId} | Get a reply resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyApi | saveReply | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies | Save a new reply resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyApi | updateReply | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId} | Update reply resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyOfReplyApi | getAllRepliesOfReply | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId}/replies/get | Get all replies of reply resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyOfReplyApi | getReplyOfReplyById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId}/replies/{replyLevel2Id} | Get a reply of reply resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyOfReplyApi | saveReplyOfReply | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId}/replies | Save a new reply of reply resource |
WorkEvolveApi.ReplyOfReplyApi | updateReplyOfReply | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId}/replies/{replyLevel2Id} | Update reply of reply resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleApi | getAllRoles | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/get | Get all roles resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleApi | getRoleById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role} | Get a role resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleApi | removeRoleById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role} | Delete role resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleApi | saveRole | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles | Save a new role resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleApi | updateBatchRole | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/batch | update batch of role |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleApi | updateRole | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role} | Update role resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleLibraryApi | getAllRoleLibraries | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/rolelibraries/get | Get all role libraries resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleLibraryApi | getRoleLibraryById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/rolelibraries/{role} | Get a role library resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleLibraryApi | removeRoleLibraryById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/rolelibraries/{role} | Delete role library resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleLibraryApi | saveRoleLibrary | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/rolelibraries | Save a new role library resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RoleLibraryApi | updateRoleLibrary | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/rolelibraries/{role} | Update role library resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RowPermissionApi | getAllRowPermissions | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/rowpermission/get | Get all row permissions resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RowPermissionApi | getRowPermissionById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/rowpermission/{permissionId} | Get a row permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RowPermissionApi | removeRowPermissionById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/rowpermission/{permissionId} | Delete row permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.RowPermissionApi | saveRowPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/rowpermission | Save a new row permission resource |
WorkEvolveApi.RowPermissionApi | updateBatchRowPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/rowpermission/batch | update batch of RowPermission |
WorkEvolveApi.RowPermissionApi | updateRowPermission | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/roles/{role}/rowpermission/{permissionId} | Update row permission resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.SampleApi | getSample | GET /sample | Sample |
WorkEvolveApi.SchemaApi | getAllSchemas | POST /schemas/get | Get all schemas resource |
WorkEvolveApi.SchemaApi | getDistinctSchema | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/distinct-schema/get | get distinct schema records by datasource |
WorkEvolveApi.SchemaApi | getSchemaById | GET /schemas/{schemaId} | Get a schema resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.SchemaApi | removeSchemaById | DELETE /schemas/{schemaId} | Delete schema resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.SchemaApi | saveSchema | POST /schemas | Save a new schema resource |
WorkEvolveApi.SchemaApi | updateSchema | POST /schemas/{schemaId} | Update schema resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.TaskApi | getAllTasks | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/tasks/get | Get all tasks resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TaskApi | getTaskById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/tasks/{taskId} | Get a task resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.TaskApi | removeTaskById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/tasks/{taskId} | Delete task resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.TaskApi | saveTask | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/tasks | Save a new task resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TaskApi | updateTask | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/{resource}/{resourceId}/tasks/{taskId} | Update task resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | addPaymentMethod | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/paymentmethods | Add a new payment method resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | changeSubscriptionPlan | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/subscription/swap | Change plan of subscription resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | checkSubscriptionStatus | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/subscription/status | Check status of subscription resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | downloadInvoice | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/billing/download | Download billing invoice resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | getBilling | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/billing/get | Get billing information resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | getPaymentMethods | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/paymentmethods/get | Get payment methods resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | getTenantById | GET /tenants/{tenantId} | Get an tenant resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | makeDefaultPaymentMethod | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/paymentmethods/{cardId} | Make default payment method resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | registerTenant | POST /tenants/register | register a new tenant resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | removePaymentMethod | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/paymentmethods/{cardId} | Remove a new payment method resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | subscribePlan | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/subscription | Subscribe a new pricing plan resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | updatePaymentMethod | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/paymentmethods/{cardId}/update | Update payment method resource |
WorkEvolveApi.TenantApi | updateTenant | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/update | Update tenant resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | getAllUdcTypes | POST /systems/{sysCode}/types/get | Get all udc types resource without tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | getAllUdcTypesTenant | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/get | Get all udc types resource with tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | getUdcTypeById | GET /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId} | Get a udc type without tenant resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | getUdcTypeTenantById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId} | Get a udc type with tenant resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | removeUdcTypeById | DELETE /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId} | Delete udc type resource without tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | removeUdcTypeTenantById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId} | Delete udc type resource with tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | saveUdcType | POST /systems/{sysCode}/types | Save a new udc type resource without tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | saveUdcTypeTenant | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types | Save a new udc type resource with tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | updateUdcTenantType | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId} | Update udc type resource with tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcTypeApi | updateUdcType | POST /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId} | Update udc type resource with tenantout by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | getAllUdcValues | POST /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/get | Get all udc values resource without tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | getAllUdcValuesTenant | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/get | Get all udc values resource with tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | getUdcValueById | GET /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/{valueId} | Get udc value resource without tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | getUdcValueTenantById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/{valueId} | Get udc value resource with tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | removeUdcValueById | DELETE /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/{valueId} | Delete udc value resource without tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | removeUdcValueTenantById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/{valueId} | Delete udc value resource with tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | saveUdcValue | POST /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values | Save a new udc value resource without tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | saveUdcValueTenant | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values | Save a new udc value resource with tenant |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | updateUdcValue | POST /systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/{valueId} | Update udc value resource without tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UdcValueApi | updateUdcValueTenant | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/systems/{sysCode}/types/{typeId}/values/{valueId} | Update udc value resource with tenant by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UploadApi | removeUploadFile | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/upload/{fileId} | Remove an uploaded file resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UploadApi | uploadFile | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/upload | Upload a new file resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UserApi | getAllUsers | POST /users/get | Get all users resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UserApi | getUserById | GET /users/{userId} | Get a user resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserApi | updateUser | POST /users/{userId} | Update user resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserRoleApi | getAllUserRoles | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/userroles/get | Get all user roles resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UserRoleApi | getUserRoleById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/userroles/{userRole} | Get a user role resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserRoleApi | removeUserRoleById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/userroles/{userRole} | Delete user role resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserRoleApi | saveUserRole | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/userroles | Save a new user role resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UserRoleApi | updateUserRole | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/userroles/{userRole} | Update user role resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserSecurityApi | getAllUserSecurities | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/usersecurity/get | Get all user securities resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UserSecurityApi | getUserSecurityById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/usersecurity/{userSecurityId} | Get a user security resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserSecurityApi | removeUserSecurityById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/usersecurity/{userSecurityId} | Delete user security resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.UserSecurityApi | saveUserSecurity | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/usersecurity | Save a new user security resource |
WorkEvolveApi.UserSecurityApi | updateUserSecurity | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/usersecurity/{userSecurityId} | Update user security resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.VersionApi | getAllVersions | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/programs/{proId}/versions/get | Get all versions resource |
WorkEvolveApi.VersionApi | getVersionById | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/programs/{proId}/versions/{versionId} | Get a version resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.VersionApi | removeVersionById | DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/programs/{proId}/versions/{versionId} | Delete version resource by id |
WorkEvolveApi.VersionApi | saveVersion | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/programs/{proId}/versions | Save a new version resource |
WorkEvolveApi.VersionApi | updateVersion | POST /tenants/{tenantId}/programs/{proId}/versions/{versionId} | Update version resource by id |
Documentation for Models
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header