
Remote Method Invocation for Web Workers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workerRmi from '';


Worker RMI for JavaScript

This is a synmetric library between DOM JS and Web Workers.


npm install worker-rmi

Since it is an ES2015 module, currently you need browserify and babelify for Web Workers.


There are two main components in worker-rmi.

A class WorkerRMI and a function resigterWorkerRMI.

Supposed that you have a class Foo that can only work well on a server.

In a client side, you make a wrapper class based on WorkerRMI as the same name.

import { WorkerRMI } from './worker-rmi.js';

class Foo extends WorkerRMI {
    async aMethod(...inputs) {
        return await this.invokeRM('aMethod', inputs);

Methods may also be named same but it is not mandatory. The method invokeRM is a method prepared by WorkerRMI, that request an execution of the first argument.

In a server side, you already have the class Foo, so call resigterWorkerRMI as follows. (Assuming that the server side is worker side now.)

resigterWorkerRMI(self, Foo);

That's all and should work.

One important note is that all Transferable ojects in arguments and a return value transfer in transferList. So you cannot access these objects after invoking the remote method or returning a result respectively.

If you want that client side is a worker and server side is a DOM JS, no problems. The client side is same, and in the server side, the code looks like follows.

const worker = new Worker('js/worker.js');
resigterWorkerRMI(worker, Foo);

The only difference is, specifying a Woker instance as the first argument rather than self in the case of Worker.

Hope that this tiny library will helpful for you.