Worker Wrapper
worker-wrapper - simple library for launch your code without closure in web-worker.
Getting Started
Library use global Promise.
For install library:
npm install worker-wrapper --save
For launch in browser:
<script src="node_modules/worker-wrapper/dist/worker-wrapper.min.js"></script>
config(data: {libs?: Array<string>}): void
The method takes a list of libraries which will connect to the worker if it was not transferred to another config.
create([code], [params], [config]): IWorkerWrapper
- code: Function
A class constructor or a function (MAY NOT CONTAIN a CLOSURE) to be executed in the worker. If the passed class constructor, then its instance will be created in the worker (in this case, he will be given [params] arguments)
- params: any (JSONLike)
The parameters that will be passed when creating an instance of the class passed in parameter [code]
- config: {libs?: Array<string>}
interface IWorkerWrapper
- process(cb, [data]): Promise;
- terminate(): void;
Example use worker with class:
class Some { // instance of this class created in worker, your can use jQuery here
constructor(data) { = data;
doSomeHardWork(parms) {
// do some
return parms + 1;
const wrapper = workerWrapper.create(Some, {data: 'some data for instance of Some'}, {
libs: ['path/to/jquery']
wrapper.process((some, params) => {
// This code in worker. Cannot use closure!
return some.doSomeHardWork(parms);
}, 1).then((result) => {
// result = 2
Example simple use:
const wrapper = workerWrapper.create();
wrapper.process((params) => {
// This code in worker. Cannot use closure!
// do some hard work
// your can return JSON like data or Promise with JSON like data
return 100; // or return Promise.resolve(100)
}, params).then((result) => {
// result = 100;
wrapper.terminate() // terminate for kill worker process
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details