
iTerm app wrapper for workflow.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workflowAppIterm from '';


iTerm app for workflow

Workflow iTerm app for workflow with layout management within the iTerm2 instance.

The SplitV and SplitH layouts from the workflow-layout-tiled module can be used to create arbitrary tile layouts. They can contain a number of Apps or nested layout components. The width of each split is not possible to specify, it will be the size of the contained area divide by the number of children.


import React from 'react';
import { render, Workspace, requireComponent } from 'workflow-react';

import { ITerm } from requireComponent("workflow-app-iterm");

const { SplitV, SplitH } = requireComponent("workflow-layout-tiled");
const { Vim } = requireComponent("workflow-app-vim");
const { Terminal } = requireComponent("workflow-app-terminal");
const { Emacs } = requireComponent("workflow-app-emacs");;

export const flow = render(
  <Workspace name={'workflow-iterm-split'}>
          <Vim file={__filename} />
          <Terminal cwd={"~"} cmd={"ls"} />
          <Emacs file={"~/dev/workflow/"} />
          <Terminal cwd={"~"} cmd={"ls"} />


Try it with: yarn ItermSplit
