
Javascript library for viewing / editing workflows.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workflowBuilder from '';


Workflow Builder

Javascript library for viewing / editing workflows.

Running demo in browser

If you just want to run Workflow Builder locally, you can launch supplied demo app in your browser. Serve directory ./demo by any convenient means and navigate to /index.html in your browser: example workflow visualization will open.

Commonly available options for serving demo app are:

  • Python:
    cd demo
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • NodeJS:
    npm i
    npm run demo

Using as a library/widget

Workflow Builder comes in bundled and unbundled versions, with module formats: ES6, CommonJS and IIFE.

If your web app does not use React, consume Workflow Builder with all dependencies bundled:

  • either import or require appropriate es6/cjs module as your build system dictates,
  • or simply add <script> tag to web page that points to ./dist/bundled/iife/main.min.js.

If you have React app, you can consume unbundled version from corresponding ./dist/unbundled/ subdirectory to save space.

Make sure your application has Font Awesome css included in html file (for example from CDN), and also add <link> to stylesheet located at ./dist/css/eeg_viewer.min.css.


Prepare environment
  1. Install nodejs (if needed)
  • For MacOS X:
    brew install nodejs
  • For Ubuntu 18.04
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install nodejs
    sudo apt install npm
  1. Install project dependencies
    npm i
Build and run server

Live reload included.

npm start

Served at port 8080

Build production version

Builds to ./dist .

npm run build:release
Publish new version

For project developers. This will bump version, build changelog, tag branch, build './dist' folder, commit and push to git and publish to npm.

npm run release