
Keep track of what I worked on this week

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import worklist from '';



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npm install worklist -g

Just a quick and dirty way to keep track of what I do on a weekly basis. Each entry is one line, each week is stored in a file by date.

Personally, at the end of the week, or beginning of the next, I email that text file to my boss.

worklist add "Worked on project Foo in order to bleep the bloop"
worklist add "Project Bar needed Baz to have a maximum length of 255"
worklist list
0: Worked on project Foo in order to bleep the bloop
1: Project Bar needed Baz to have a maximum length of 255
worklist delete 1
worklist list
0: Worked on project Foo in order to bleep the bloop

See the code. It's a pretty simple script.


I've changed the project to use leveldb. So now it stores all the data in a leveldb, and I use worklist list and pipe the results to a file in order to turn in my weekly reports.

MIT license