
Grid to scaffold React apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workoReactGrid from '';


Worköholics React Grid

Author: Worköholics

React Grid to scaffold Worköholics grid in React apps. You can also use it in Gatsby projects.


npm install --save worko-react-grid


1. Import grid.scss file in your sass main file.

Override variables

You can override some variables to customize the grid as you want.

$cols: 12 !default;
$gutter: 15px !default;
$safe-area: 90px !default;
$safe-area-xs: 30px !default;
$breakpoint-sm: 576px !default; 
$breakpoint-md: 768px !default;
$breakpoint-lg: 992px !default;
$breakpoint-xl: 1200px !default;

@import "./path/to/node_modules/worko-grid/grid.scss"

2. Import Row and Col components in your React component to use the grid

import {Row, Col} from "worko-react-grid"

3. Use it

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  return (
    <Row wrap={true}>
      <Col md={5} mdOffset={1}>
      <Col md={5}>




  • wrap (bool): Enable flex-wrap on the Row component



  • xs (number): Width set in columns (screen < $breakpoint-sm)
  • sm (number): Width set in columns ($breakpoint-sm < screen < $breakpoint-md)
  • md (number): Width set in columns ($breakpoint-md < screen < $breakpoint-lg)
  • lg (number): Width set in columns ($breakpoint-lg < screen < $breakpoint-xl)
  • xl (number): Width set in columns (screen > $breakpoint-xl)
  • xsOffset (number): Width set in columns (screen < $breakpoint-sm)
  • smOffset (number): Width set in columns ($breakpoint-sm < screen < $breakpoint-md)
  • mdOffset (number): Width set in columns ($breakpoint-md < screen < $breakpoint-lg)
  • lgOffset (number): Width set in columns ($breakpoint-lg < screen < $breakpoint-xl)
  • xlOffset (number): Width set in columns (screen > $breakpoint-xl)
  • xsTotal (number): Total of columns enabled in the row (screen < $breakpoint-sm) (default: 12)
  • smTotal (number): Total of columns enabled in the row ($breakpoint-sm < screen < $breakpoint-md)(default: 12)
  • mdTotal (number): Total of columns enabled in the row($breakpoint-md < screen < $breakpoint-lg) (default: 12)
  • lgTotal (number): Total of columns enabled in the row ($breakpoint-lg < screen < $breakpoint-xl) (default: 12)
  • xlTotal (number): Total of columns enabled in the row (screen > $breakpoint-xl) (default: 12)


  • worko-grid
  • worko-mixins