
A set of JSON schemas for workouts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workoutTracker from '';



Build Status Supported Nodejs Version

Workout Tracker

A collection of workout schemas. Allows you to track predefined workouts progress.


Development Proof Of Concept

  • A development simple example can be seen in the index.html`` file and the javascript in scripts/workout.js`
  • Start up a simple webserver using npm run dev which calls python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
  • The workout that gets loaded in depends on the query string appended to the URL. For example localhost:8000/?workout=upper_body_push will load that schema and allow you to enter in data and when hitting submit, the JSON dump will be outputted to the console.


  • Any JSON schema workouts are encouraged via pull requests!
  • Add a schema to the schema directory and ensure it is valid by running make test from the root.
