
A Vue.js component library for use in WorkSafe family websites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import worksafeComponentLibrary from '';


WorkSafe Component Library

This repository contains Vue components and settings used by WorkSafe websites, documented by Storybook. It is designed to be consumed by a Vue app.

Quick start

git clone worksafe-component-library
cd worksafe-component-library
npm install
# Make the library available as a global node module.
npm link
# Start Storybook documentation site
npm start

# Then switch over to your Vue app
cd ../worksafe-client
# "Install" the now-global library as a dependency
npm link worksafe-component-library

Now the components are available for import into your Vue app, e.g.


import CoolButton from 'worksafe-component-library'

How it works

Make a component, register it for export TODO


Cool tool to document Vue components TODO

Deploying the component library

Deploy to Github Pages by running the following command:

yarn deploy

This will build the storybook, and then deploy it to Github by pushing the contents of /dist to origin's gh-pages branch.


Yavisht Katgara