
Thi project extends the xlsx project from, worksheets adds functionality for the querying of cells of a worksheet

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import worksheetx from '';



This project is an extension for xlsx, it has to clases WorksheetX and CellX

  • WorksheetX lets you work with the worksheet as a container of CellX.
  • CellX has some methods to query through the cells from the worksheet.


  • lodash npm install lodash --save
  • xlsx npm install xlsx --save

Creating a WorkSheetX

  • To create a WorksheetX First we need to have the xlsx workbook, then get one of the sheet from that workbook, then we can pass as parameter to the constructor
 var sheetName = 0; 
 var worksheet = new WorksheetX(xlsxWorkBook.Sheets[sheetName]);

WorkSheetX functions

  • ForEachCell

    This function has one argument:

    callback: Parameters [cell, index]

worksheet.forEachCell(function (cell, index) {
// code
  • cellFilter

    This function makes a filter to the cells based on the lodash filter function, and returns the filtered cells.

    This function has one argument:

    filter: most be a valid lodash filter

worksheet.cellFilter({name: 'yea'}); // cells with name == 'yea'
