
A test system to test workshopper-adventures.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workshopperAdventureTest from '';



Build Status js-standard-style

workshopper-adventure-test is test system specifically for nodeschool workshopper-adventures. However: It should work also for workshoppers and adventures.


NodeSchool tutorials can be executed through the CLI. As such the lowest common denominator should be the CLI access. Basically: This test executes the tutorial with command line arguments and sees if the result matches basic rules.


You can install workshopper-adventure-test globally or use it as part of the tutorials package.json:

$ npm i workshopper-adventure-test

Then add this to your package.json:

"scripts": {
    "test": "workshopper-adventure-test"

Then you should be able to run it in your workshopper/adventure using npm test

Workshopper specific tests

This test system will lookup the ./test folder of your workshopper/adventure for files to test your exercises. The folder structure has to look like this:

 \--- test
    |---- hello_world
    |   |---- valid_01.js
    |   \---- invalid_01.js
    \---- baby_steps
        |---- valid_01.js
        \---- invalid_01.js

In this example-structure two exercises will be tested: hello_world and baby_steps. The names are simplified version of the names returned by $ <tutorial> list. Any "valid" test has to pass, any "invalid" test has to fail.


At the moment it works better than not but there are quite a few things that could and should be improved. Help, feedback, suggestions for improvement warmly welcome!