
WebPack plugin for WorkTank which enables you to execute whole files in a worker pool, transparently.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import worktankLoader from '';


WorkTank Loader

WebPack plugin for WorkTank which enables you to execute whole files in a worker pool, transparently.


npm install --save-dev worktank-loader


This WebPack plugin allows you to use WorkTank with functions that can't be extracted dynamically just by calling #toString on them but instead require bundling.

First of all functions to be executed in the worker pool must be defined in a file:

// example.worker.ts

// You can set a size different than 1 for the worker pool that will be created for this worker file by using a special comment that looks like the following one
// You can set a name different than the worker file's name for the worker pool that will be created for this worker file by using a special comment that looks like the following one
// WORKTANK_NAME = MyExampleWorker

// Dependencies will be handled automatically
import MyMath from 'some-math-module';

// Some functions to execute in the worker pool
const add = async ( a: number, b: number ) => a + b;
const multiply = async ( a: number, b: number ) => MyMath.multiply ( a * b );

// Exporting all functions
export {add, multiply};

Then WebPack must be configured to use worktank-loader for worker files:

// webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
  externals: {
    // You might need this line if the WebPack target isn't set to "node"
    'worker_threads': 'commonjs2 worker_threads'
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.worker\.[jt]s$/,
        use: 'worktank-loader'
    // Your other rules here...

Then import some exports from the worker file just like normal:

// app.ts

// Importing functions from the worker file like normal
import {add, multiply} from './example.worker';
// Importing the special injected "pool" export, which is a reference to the `WorkTank` instance that got created automatically for the worker file
import {pool} from './example.worker';

// Calling a function like normal
console.log ( await add ( 5, 10 ) ); // => 15

// Terminating the worker pool, if you want to
pool.terminate ();


Tips and Details

  • This loader has built-in support for parsing JavaScript and TypeScript files, so you don't need to chain this loader with other ones.
  • This loader works completely transparenly, as far as the compiler is concerned you are just importing some async functions from a file, while in reality those functions will be executed into worker threads and the communication between those and the main thread is handled for you.
  • If you are using TypeScript you should mark your worker functions as async even though they techinically aren't, because those functions will be moved to worker threads and even if they themselves are synchronous you'll always receive a promise to the return value from the worker threads. By doing that types will just work.
  • This loader will inject a export called "pool" automatically, which will be a reference to the WorkTank instance created for the worker file.
    • If you are using TypeScript and you want to use that export you might want to add this dummy export to your worker file to make types just work: const pool = {} as { terminate: Function }; export {pool};.
  • It's important to highlight that you can set the size of the worker pool that will be generated for each worker file by writing a comment that looks like this: // WORKTANK_SIZE = 3, where the number there refers to the number of worker threads to spawn.
    • This is a feature that makes this loader, and the underlying WorkTank library, especially interesting. Compared to other solutions you can spawn multiple worker threads easily, and the underlying library supports creating worker pools dynamically too, so all your worker needs are covered!
  • This loader is still somewhat experimental, please open an issue if you can find any problems with it.


MIT © Fabio Spampinato