
up-skill your workers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workup from '';



up-skill your workers.


Adds functionality to workers to make developing apps in the a little easier.


var workUp = require('workup');

var worker = workUp(createWorker, name); // both createWorker and name are optional

Note: name doesn't work at the moment and in chrome you get #1 in your sources list. This may get resolved in time.

Host thread:


Tell the worker to load a file.


Tell the worker to load a Blob

Worker thread:


self.hostLocation has been added. It reflects window.location in your main thread, and setting properties on it will set them in the main thread. This means you can put routers in the worker, and you can affect the hash from it too.

self.hostLocation.hash = 'foo'; // Will affect the browsers hash.

Events (load hashchange popstate)

Some window events are forwarded to the worker.

self.addEventListener('hashchange', function(){
    // will get events when the hash is changed.

local storage

exposes a localStorage API that is like the normal one but with error-first callbacks. It probably wont ever error? ¯\(ツ)

set(key, value, callback) sets key to value and calls back get(key, callback) gets key and calls back with the value remove(key, callback) removes key to value and calls back getAll(callback) gets all keys and calls back with them