
Workwell JS is the SDK to communicate between a web-application and the Workwell mobile application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workwell from '';


Workwell SDK

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Workwell is a front-end framework to communicate between a web-application and the Workwell mobile application; It also provides an easy to use mobile-like (iOS, android) UI framework, created by the Workwell Engineering team.

Table of contents


Put your service between the hands of thousands of employees by doing a Workwell integration. Wether you already have a web service or you’re building one from scratch, Workwell provides the necessary tools to make the integration easy and fast.


Technical Concept

Before your start diving into the technical details, we wanted to let you know about our general technical concept. Workwell is a native mobile application. Services are web apps, presented to the user on a dedicated screen. Opening a service is done by loading its URL in a in-app custom webview. Using the Workwell JS-SDK, your service can communicate with the Workwell native application.

Here are the different components inside a service:


Workwell SDK

Workwell SDK allows you:

  • To get data about the user.
  • To use native features (e.g. Camera, Chat etc.).
  • To use native like UI components that handle the differences between OS and Android for you.
  • To use native UI components to give the user experience a more native flavour (e.g. date/time pickers, toast messages etc.).

Integration Requirements

We have put in place a number of requirements for a Workwell integration to ensure the best user experience with a strong attention to the security aspects of our technical model:

  • Automatic user identification: By using Workwell, users can access all the services provided by their companies, they shouldn’t need to manually login in or create accounts when opening your service. Use the JS-SDK to get the user’s informations so you can, behind the hood, automatically create an account or log the user in. User should never therefore have to login to use your service.

  • Mobile friendly: We require your service to be mobile friendly and to respect Workwell UI guidelines. We strongly recommend you to use the JS-SDK UI features!

  • Expose an authorization endpoint: Your server needs to expose an endpoint Workwell servers can call to verify your service health and its authenticity, c.f. Service Authorization

We also recommend using classic navigation with <a href="..."> and not SPA (single page application) router. A native app opens a new view/page when navigating from one content to another, cf Open Web Page for more information



Zachary Lithgow