worldometer-coronavirus-info V3
This is a npm package which will help you to fetch details directly from
npm i worldometer-coronavirus-info
- Fetched Information Directly from and is accurate
- Very simple to use
- Lightweight
- Easy to understand with docs
- Returns Country flag and name, which is very usefull in some cases
- Global Data
const worldometer = require('worldometer-coronavirus-info')
const corona = await worldometer.trackAll()//returns object
- Country Data
const worldometer = require('worldometer-coronavirus-info')
const corona = await worldometer.trackCountry()//returns object or throw error if false country or no country was provided
- Typescript Example
import worldometer from 'worldometer-coronavirus-info'
const corona = await worldometer.trackAll()
Golbal Data Properties
The following are given property for Global Data | Properties | Description | | :--- | :--- | | totalCases | Gives total cases| | totalDeaths| Gives total Death| | totalRecovered| Gives total Recovered| | activeCases| Gives Active Cases| | closedCases| Gives the cases which had an outcome| |condition#mild|Gives Mild condition number| |condition#critical|Gives critical condition number|
- If you are having trouble understanding this pls scroll a bit down
Country Data Properties
The following are given property for Country Data | Properties | Description | | :--- | :--- | |cases#totalCases|Gives total Cases| |cases#recovered|Gives total recovered| |cases#deaths|Gives total deaths| |closedCases#percentage#discharge|Gives discharge percent| |closedCases#percentage#death|Gives Death Percent| |closedCases#total|Gives total closed cases number| |country#flagImg|Gives image of flag of the country in gif format but is static| |country#name|Gives the country name|
- If you are having trouble understanding this pls scroll a bit down
Using Global Data
const corona =await worldometer.trackAll()//returns object
const totalCases = corona.totalCases //returns total cases
const totalDeaths = corona.totalDeaths
const totalRecovered = corona.totalRecovered
const activeCases = corona.activeCases
const closedCases = corona.closedCases
const mildCases = corona.condition.mild
const criticalCases=corona.condition.critical
Using Country Data
const corona = await worldometer.trackCountry('united states')
const totalCases = //total cases
const recovered = corona.cases.recovered
const deaths = corona.cases.deaths
const dischargePercent = corona.closedCases.percentage.discharge
const deathPercent = corona.closedCases.percentage.death
const closedCases =
const flagImg = //returns flag image ex:
const countryName =
- here is an compiler example to use this package
"compilerOptions": {
"noImplicitAny": false,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"target": "ES2018",
"module": "commonjs",
"allowJs": true,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"lib": ["es2018", "dom"],
"strict": true