Want to query the world with GraphQL ? Search no more, you have found the right NodeJS library !
WorldQL allows you to merge and stitch all your datasources into a single GraphQL endpoint.
Providers supported
Third-party library used | |
GraphQL | apollo-link-http |
MySQL | graphql-compose-mysql (soon published) |
ElasticSearch | graphql-compose-elasticsearch |
OpenAPI (REST API) | oasgraph |
What it does ?
How it works ?
1. Declare your datasources in JS
const worldql = require("./worldql-core")
const wqlConf = {
sources: {
petstore: {
type: "OPEN_API",
url: "http://localhost:8085/api-docs",
books: {
type: "GRAPHQL",
url: "http://localhost:8090",
company: {
url: 'http://localhost:9200',
graphqlTypeName: "company",
elasticIndex: 'companydatabase',
elasticType: 'employees',
pluralFields: ['skills', 'languages'],
apiVersion: '5.6',
employees: {
type: "MYSQL",
mysqlConfig: {
host: "localhost",
port: "3306",
user: "root",
password: "secret",
database: "employees",
2. Add some stitching between them (or not)
const worldql = require("./worldql-core")
const wqlConf = {
sources: {
stitches: [
parentType: "employeesT",
fieldName: "petOfEmployee",
fieldType: "viewerApiKey",
resolver: {
source: "petstore",
query: "viewerApiKey",
params: {
static: {},
fromParent: { apiKey: "first_name", },
3. Generate a GraphQL schema with WorldQL
const worldql = require("./worldql-core")
const wqlConf = { ... }
worldql.buildGqlSchema(wqlConf).then(gqlSchema => {
4. Profit !!! (With apollo-server for example)
const worldql = require("./worldql-core")
const wqlConf = { ... }
worldql.buildGqlSchema(wqlConf).then(gqlSchema => {
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: gqlSchema,
playground: true,
server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`)