
Node.js wrapper for World Trading Data API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import worldtradingdata from '';



Node.js wrapper for World Trading Data API


npm i worldtradingdata


import { WorldTradingDataWrapper } from "worldtradingdata";

var token = "<yourToken>";

var wtd = new WorldTradingDataWrapper(token);

  (realTimeResponse): void => {

Class Methods


A wrapper for the World Trading Data API


  • token API token


Returns the nearest trading data for stocks and indexes worldwide.


  • symbols Array with stocks you wish to return.
  • sortOrder Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • sortBy Sort by a particular data attribute or by the order you entered the list. Options: symbol, name, list_order
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.


The endpoint allows up to 500 mutual funds to be returned with each request in exceptional timing.


  • symbols Array with stocks you wish to return.
  • sortOrder Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • sortBy Sort by a particular data attribute or by the order you entered the list. Options: symbol, name, list_order
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.


Return a stream of the latest data for stocks and indexes worldwide.


  • symbol Value of the stock, index or mutual fund you wish to return data for. Only one symbol per request.
  • interval Number of minutes between the data. Options: 1, 2, 5, 60.
  • range The number of days data is returned for. Options: 1-30.
  • sort Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.
  • formatted Alter JSON data format. Does not affect CSV. Options: true, false.


Return the end of day history for every day the stock, index or mutual fund has been traded.


  • symbol Value of the stock, index or mutual fund you wish to return data for.
  • date_from
  • date_to
  • sort Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.
  • formatted Alter JSON data format. Does not affect CSV. Options: true, false.
  • interval Number of minutes between the data. Options: 1, 2, 5, 60.
  • range The number of days data is returned for. Options: 1-30.


Returns data for multiple stock, index or mutual funds for a single specific day.


  • symbols Comma seperated values of the tickers you wish to return.
  • date The date you wish to retrieve data for.
  • sort Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.
  • formatted Alter JSON data format. Does not affect CSV. Options: true, false.


Returns all the conversion rates for the base currency in exceptional timing.


  • base Value of the currency you wish to return data for.


Returns the end of day conversion rate for each day of data.


  • base Base of the currency you wish to return data for.
  • convertTo Value of the currency you wish to return conversion data to.
  • sort Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.
  • formatted Alter JSON data format. Does not affect CSV. Options: true, false.


eturn the all the conversion rates for the base currency for a specific date in exceptional timing.


  • base Value of the currency you wish to return data for.
  • date Date you wish to return the conversion data for.
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.
  • formatted Alter JSON data format. Does not affect CSV. Options: true, false.


Search and filter the entire stock and index database to build your own search functionality for your applications.


  • searchTerm Search term you wish to find stocks for. Example: AAPL
  • searchBy Search by only symbol or name, or both. Options: symbol, name, symbol, name.
  • stockExchange Filter by a array of stock exchanges.
  • currency Filter by a array of currencies.
  • limit Limit the number of results returned. Options: 1-500
  • page Value of the page you wish to see values for.
  • sortBy Sort by a specific column. Options: symbol, name, currency, stock_exchange_long, stock_exchange_short, market_cap, volume, change_pct.
  • sortOrder Change the sort order of values. Options: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • output Change output to CSV. Options: 'csv', 'json'.