
Js SDK for the wovenpay API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wovenpay from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wovenpay';


wovenpay JS SDK

Build Status




npm install wovenpay --save


  • Customers
  • Payments
  • Plans
  • Webhooks
  • Subscriptions
  • Account Resource [GET and PUT only]
  • Business Resource [GET and PUT only]

To Be Added

  • Webhook Resource [GET]
  • Payment refund
  • Payment cancel
  • Payment disburse
  • Payment disburse

Create a new Instance of wovenpay

import WovenPay from 'wovenpay';
let wovenpay = new WovenPay(apikey, apisecret); //Defaults to sandbox api

//To run on live api, pass true to 'live' parameter
let wovenpay = new WovenPay(apikey, apisecret, true);

Add Token

let response = await wovenpay.getAuthToken(merchantEmail: string, merchantPassword: string);
data = await response.json();

let token = data.token;
wovenpay.token = token;

Add Request Timeout

  import * as Promise from 'bluebird';
  const TIMEOUT = 2000;
  function getCustomers(){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(reject, TIMEOUT, new Error("Timeout Error"));    

Change API version

wovenpay.version = "1" //Every request will use version 1 of wovenpay api

Get Token

let response = await wovenpay.getAuthToken(merchantEmail: string, merchantPassword: string)
token = await response.json();

Refresh Token

let response = await wovenpay.refreshAuthToken(token: string)
token = await response.json();

Verify Token

let response = await wovenpay.verifyAuthToken(token: string)
is_valid = await response.json();


To get details about an account

  let response = await wovenpay.Account.details();
  details = await response.json()


Get all businesses

let response = await wovenpay.Business.all()
businesses = await response.json()

Get specific business

let response = await wovenpay.Business.get(businessId: string)
business = await response.json()

Edit a business

let response = await wovenpay.Business.edit(businessId: string, payload: object)
updateResponse = await response.json()

Delete business

let response = await wovenpay.Business.delete(businessId: string)
deleteResponse = await response.json()


Create a new customer

let response = await wovenpay.Customers.create({email: email});
customer = await response.json();

Edit a customer

let response = wovenpay.Customers.edit(customer.id, {email: email});
customer = await response.json();

Delete a customer

let response = wovenpay.Customers.delete(customer.id);
customer = await response.json();

Retrieve all customers

let response = wovenpay.Customers.all();
customers = await response.json();

Retrieve Specific customer

let response = wovenpay.Customers.get(customer.id);
customer = await response.json();


Create a new plan

const payload = {
  name: planName,
  business: businessId,
  price: 1000
let response = await wovenpay.Plans.create(payload);
plan = await response.json();

Retrieve all plans

let response = wovenpay.Plans.all();
plans = await response.json();

Retrieve Specific plan

let response = wovenpay.Plans.get(plan.id);
plans = await response.json();

Edit a plan

let response = wovenpay.Plans.edit(plan.id, {name:planName, business: Business, price:2000});
plan = await response.json();

Delete a plan

let response = wovenpay.Plans.delete(plan.id);
plan = await response.json();


Create a new Subscription

const payload = {
    customer: customerId,
    plan: planId,
    business: businessId,
    period: "month",
    interval: 1
let response = await wovenpay.Subscriptions.create(payload);
subscription = await response.json();

Retrieve Specific Subscription

let response = wovenpay.Subscriptions.get(plan.id);
subscription = await response.json();

Edit a Subscription

let response = wovenpay.Subscriptions.edit(subscription.id, {interval: 3});
subscription = await response.json();

Delete a Subscription

let response = wovenpay.Subscriptions.delete(subscription.id);
subscription = await response.json();


Make Payments Charge

const payload = {
  "method": "mobile.mpesa",
  "amount": 10,
  "customer": {
  "order": {
    "description": "Payment of Dockerfest Ticket"
  "reference": "myuniquereference"
let response = await wovenpay.Payments.charge(payload);
charge = await response.json();

Get list of Payment transactions

You should probably want to use graphql query

let response = wovenpay.Payments.transactions();
transactions = await response.json();

Transaction Status

let response = wovenpay.Payments.status(transaction.id);
status = await response.json();


Create a new webhook

let response = await wovenpay.Webhooks.create({event: event, target:url, key:"notsecretkey"});
hook = await response.json();

Edit a webhook

let response = wovenpay.Webhooks.create({event:"customer.created", target: url, key:"secretkey"});
hook = await response.json();

Delete a webhook

let response = wovenpay.Webhooks.delete(hook.id);
hook = await response.json();

GraphQl Query

Query Graph

One can use both string or template literals

let response = await wovenpay.Graph.query(`{ allBusinesses {edges{node{id name }}} }`)
let response2 = await wovenpay.Graph.query`{ allBusinesses {edges{node{id name }}} }`