
A logging toolkit with: color, file and line number reporting, both aspect and levels of logging, and other sugar in the syntax.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import woveonLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/woveon-logger';



A logging toolkit with: color, file and line number reporting, both aspect and levels of logging, and other sugar in the syntax."

NPM Location

Woveon is an enterprise conversation management software. Using AI and machine learning, it helps businesses take control of their conversations - to provide exceptional customer experience, audit for compliance, and maximize revenue.

Sample output

I inlined the javascript that generated this output.

Sample logger output (from mocha test)


  • Debug mode: Prints line and file of the log message
  • Named log channels (ex. Logger1, Logger2, etc.), levels of concern (info, warn, error, verbose) and aspect-oriented (i.e. cross-cutting through your project).
  • Environment variables override options and aspects (quick reconfig, great for us container and microservice people).
  • Expressive sugar syntax:
    • Colorized output
    • Supports h1,h2,h3 styled tags in log files. logger.h1().info('text after a header 1 breaker')
    • One time use settings via 'with'.
    • styling of different log levels and aspects (which are not lost when toggled off)
    • throwError to display the error message AND throw an exception with the same log message (I know right!).
    • logDeprecated to warn when someone is using an out dated command

Calls, and Things to Know

  • instantiation: const Logger = require('woveon-logger');

  • typical call: logger.info('foo') or logger.verbose('foo') or logger.error('foo')

  • change log level: error, warn, info, verbose, trace, debug, silly

    • ex. logger.lvl('error') or logger.lvl('verbose')
  • aspect-oriented logging:

    • turn aspect on: logger.setAspect('foo'); or off: logger.setAspect('foo', false)
    • log when aspect set: logger.aspect('foo', 'my logging message');
  • throw Error: logs the message and throws an error with that message: logger.throwError('foo')

  • with and set: changes logging options for a one time call (with) or permanently (set)

    • logger.with('color', 'blue').info('prints this blue')
  • headers: add spacing and dividers to your log files, to make them more human readable: h1(), h2(), h3()

    • logger.h1().info('Important message!')


These options can be set at start new Logger('mylogger', {level: 'verbose', debug: true}), at run time logger.set('color', 'blue'), or at run time for use in only the next call logger.with('color', 'blue').

  • level (default: 'info'): logging level... if at or lower, print message
  • debug (default: false): whether to print line and file information
  • debugOnError (default: true): whether to print line and file information for error and warnings
  • timeSinceStart (default: false): prints zulu time when false, time since start of execution if true
  • lblCharLen (default: 7): how many fixed characters to provide to displaying the label
  • dbCharLen (default: 40): how many fixed characters to provide to display the debug file and line number
  • showName (default: false): whether to show the logger name
  • trimTo (default: 'src'): how far back to trim displaying file names
  • outputTo (default: 'console'): can be set to 'string' to return the string instead of print it to console.
  • color (default: false): sets color, overriding 'colors'
  • colors (default: {'default' : 'none', 'error' : 'red', 'warn' : 'yellow', 'info' : 'green'}): can define default colors per log level

Environment Variables

WOV_LOGGER_OPS - JSON format to overwrite logger options, by name. ex. export WOV_LOGGER_OPS='{"logger1" : {"color" : "blue"}, {"logger2" : {"color" : "green"}}'

WOV_LOGGER_ASPECTS - Space separated aspects to turn on (and with '!', turn off). ex. export WOV_LOGGER_ASPECTS='ASP1 ASP2 !ASP3'