
Another ERB loader for webpack

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wowErbLoader from '';



Another .erb loader for webpack. May be useful for passing something from rails to js environment.

Inspired by uh-erb-loader.

Key difference is possibility to provide path to rails binary. Files are piped through the ERB via a rails runner call on commandline (see source for more info).


Install from npm

$ npm install wow-erb-loader --save-dev

Example Webpack configuration

// webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
  preLoaders: [
    //assumes rails binary is ./bin/rails
    { test: /\.erb$/, loader: 'wow-erb-loader' },
    //provide custom rails binary path
    { test: /\.erb$/, loader: 'wow-erb-loader?rails=../bin/rails' },