
Console utility to fetch info about the World of Warcraft realms

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wowRealmStatusCli from '';



NPM Maintainability XO code style

Simple console utility to check the status and info of World of Warcraft realms.


npm install -g wow-realm-status-cli


$ wow-realm-status us ragnaros
Name: Ragnaros
Status: online
Population: full
Type: normal
Locale: es-MX
Timezone: CDT

wow-realm-status [options] <region> <realm>


The region of the realm you want to fetch.
Possible values are: us, eu, kr, tw


The name of the realm.


-c, --classic

Used to specify if it is a classic realm, to prevent name clashing.

$ wow-realm-status us kirtonos -c
Name: Kirtonos
Status: online
Population: medium
Type: pvp
Locale: en-US
Timezone: EDT
-bc, --burningcrusade

Used to specify if it is a Burning Crusade classic realm, to prevent name clashing.

$ wow-realm-status us earthfury -bc
Name: Earthfury
Status: online
Population: high
Type: pvp
Locale: en-US
Timezone: EDT
-f, --filter <field, ...>

Used to filter the output fields.
Possible values: name, status, population, type, locale, timezone

$ wow-realm-status us ragnaros -f name,status,population
Name: Ragnaros
Status: online
Population: full
-s, --simple

Used to simplify the output and hide the loading spinner.

-j, --json

Used to format the output as JSON

$ wow-realm-status us ragnaros -j
-v, --version

Displays the current installed version of this utility.

-h, --help

Displays the help.


Contributions are always welcome! Please run npm test before hand to ensure everything is ok.


If you use this package please consider starring it :)
