Recent Notice
- Set Burning Crusade as the default classic expansion, if you'd like to switch to vanilla, use
wowa sw --classic
. See switch modes
WoWA stands for World of Warcraft Assistant, it is designed to help managing WoW addons, uploading WCL logs, etc.
There used to be some command line manager for WoW addons in the past, but are mostly out of maintaince at this time. A list of these projects can be found in the related prjects section.
As comparing to these projects, WoWA offers serveral advantages:
- Better CLI interface: colorful and meaningful
- Concurrency: when installing or updating, WoWA can take advantage of multi-processing
- wowaads.json file: this is the file where WoWA stores addon information. Unlike other projects, WoWA stores this file in the WTF folder. This design benifits people when they want to backup their WoW setting. Backing up one WTF folder is enough
npm install -g wowa
Setup WoW path
The WoW path configuration file is located at %APPDATA%/wowa/wow_path.txt
on Windows, and ~/.wowa/wow_path.txt
on macOS or Linux.
Normally wowa would remind you to edit this file if it cannot find the game at its default location.
Quick reference
To install an addon
wowa add deadly-boss-mods # install dbm from curse
wowa add curse:deadly-boss-mods # install dbm from curse
wowa add mmoui:8814-DeadlyBossMods # install dbm from wowinterface
wowa add 8814-DeadlyBossMods # install dbm from wowinterface
wowa add deadlybossmods/deadlybossmods # install dbm from github
wowa add bigwigsmods/bigwigs/classic # install bigwigs (classic branch) from github
wowa add antiwinter/dlt # install dlt from github
To search an addon
wowa search dbm # search for dbm automatically
wowa search mmoui:dbm # search for dbm only from wowinterface
If an addon does not provide a classic version, but the author declares that the addon supports classic. You can:
wowa add some-addon --anyway
Note: you will need to check the Load out of date addons option in game
Installing an addon
Installing an addon from arbitrary repo
wowa add # install master branch
wowa add # install master branch
wowa add # install tag v1.88
Search for an addon
Note: that WoWA manages addons by keys (keys are provided by curse) not by addon names, sometimes they are different. If you are not sure a key for an addon, you can search that addon by some fuzzy name, and the search result provides the correct key to use.
Installing two or more addons
Removing an addon
Update all installed addons
Pin an addon, prevent it from updating
wowa pin deadly-boss-mods # addon is pinned to it's current version
wowa unpin deadly-boss-mods # addon is unpinned
wowa ls -l
displays an exclaimation mark before version, incicating that addon is pinned.
List all installed addons
Import local addons
If use wowa for the first time, you need to import your local addon. Then wowa can manage them for you.
wowa import
Switch modes
wowa sw switch between _retail_ and _classic_ [TBC]
wowa sw --ptr switch mode to: retail PTR
wowa sw --beta switch mode to: retail BETA
wowa sw --retail switch mode to: retail formal
wowa sw --retail-ptr switch mode to: retail PTR
wowa sw --retail-beta switch mode to: retail BETA
wowa sw --classic switch mode to: classic formal [Vanilla]
wowa sw --classic-ptr switch mode to: classic PTR
wowa sw --classic-beta switch mode to: classic BETA
wowa sw --classic-tbc switch mode to: classic [TBC]
Related projects
Actively maintained
- layday/instawow -
- erikabp123/ClassicAddonManager -
- AcidWeb/CurseBreaker -
- Saionaro/wow-addons-updater -
- ogri-la/wowman -
- vargen2/Addon -
- ephraim/lcurse -
Not Actively maintained
- nazarov-tech/wowa -
- Lund259/WoW-Addon-Manager -
- OpenAddOnManager/OpenAddOnManager -
- vargen2/addonmanager -
- qwezarty/wow-addon-manager -
- WorldofAddons/worldofaddons -
- sysworx/wowam -
- kuhnertdm/wow-addon-updater -
- JonasKnarbakk/GWAM -
- Sumolari/WAM -
- wttw/wowaddon -
- DayBr3ak/wow-better-cli -
- acdtrx/wowam -
- zekesonxx/wow-cli -
- SeriousBug/WoWutils -
- Support projects on
- Support projects on
- Game version detection
- Add test cases
- Support projects on
- Support WoW Classic !
- Import existing addons
- Check wowa updates
- Optimize color scheme
- Shrink size of package
- Support releasing UI (addons list, together with settings) to
- Support backing up to
- Support restoring from
- Support uploading to
GFW treatment
如果你身在国内并经常更新 database 缓慢或出现以下错误,可以按下文的方法解决。
Updating database...require curse db failed RequestError: read ECONNRESET
- 按快捷键 Win+x,a,打开管理员权限的 powershell
- 输入以下命令编辑 hosts 文件,
notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
- 在 hosts 文件中增加以下两行,保存退出
- 在 powershell 中输入
ipconfig /flushdns
A more convenient method
- Use proxychains-windows
- Add bellow code to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1
function wowa{
echo 'v.p.'
proxychains.exe -q wowa $args