A node module that gathers information from Wowhead. It attempts to use the same data format that the Wowhead Tooltip Plugin uses.
It currently supports getting WoW item stats, and HearthStone card stats.
npm install wowhead
> var wowhead = require('./node-wowhead')();
> // Searching for cards using any string will return the top search result
> wowhead.getCard('alex', function(err, card) { console.dir(card); });
> { id: 581,
cost: 9,
attack: 8,
health: 8,
quality: 5,
name: 'Alexstrasza',
description: 'Battlecry: Set a hero\'s remaining Health to 15.' }
> // Cards can return their link to HearthHead with getLink()
> wowhead.getCard('krush', function(err, card) { console.dir(card.getLink()); });
> ''
> // Items are just like cards
> wowhead.getItem('thunderfury', function(err, item) { console.dir(item); });
> { id: 19019,
level: 80,
requiredLevel: 60,
quality: '2',
name: 'Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker',
slot: 13,
dps: 46.1,
speed: 1.9 }
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