
The web SDK for placing a Wozzbot chatbot on your website.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wozzbotSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wozzbot-sdk';



The official JavaScript SDK for Wozzbot. For more information visit www.wozzbot.com.


In the browser

To use the SDK in the browser, simply:

  1. Include the script file in your HTML pages: <script src="https://unpkg.com/wozzbot-sdk"></script>
  2. Initialize the script, see initialization below.

Using a bundler, such as webpack

First, install this SDK using npm:

npm install --save-prod wozzbot-sdk

Then, within your application include the SDK into your project:

const wozzbot = require('wozzbot-sdk')


import wozzbot from 'wozzbot-sdk'

Then, do the initialization.


When you initialize the SDK the Wozzbot chat trigger will be rendered in the bottom right corner. Replace <project_key> with your project key, which you can find in the Wozzbot management interface.

  project: '<project_key>',

Configuration options

Option Required Description
project yes The project key reference in Wozzbot
text no The call to action text displayed next to the chat icon. Defaults to Hi! I'm Wozzbot, what can I help you with?
theme no Change the color scheme. See theme section below for more details below.
baseUrl no The Wozzbot API baseURL. Do not change this unless instructed to.
icon no To override the default image. Use an image URL or a Data URI. The image should be 64 pixels width and 64 pixels in height.


An object with three properties that style these UI attributes:

theme: {
  primaryColor: '#ff0000', // quick replies
  backgroundColor: '#ff69b4', // background color for the panel
  foregroundColor: '#663399', // text color