
JSON schemas for WordPress PHP objects and REST API responses

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpJsonSchemas from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wp-json-schemas';


WordPress JSON Schemas

This package provides well-documented JSON schemas that describe the shape of:

  • WordPress core PHP objects such as WP_Post, WP_Term, and WP_User
  • WordPress REST API responses such as those from /wp/v2/posts, /wp/v2/categories, and /wp/v2/users
  • Various property types and values of both

The schemas in this library are used to generate the WordPress TypeScript definitions provided by the wp-types package.

The schemas were last updated for WordPress 5.9.

What's included?

PHP Object Schemas

  • WP_Post
  • WP_Term
  • WP_User
  • WP_Comment
  • WP_Error
  • WP_Query
  • WP_Block
  • WP_Block_Type
  • WP_Site
  • WP_Locale
  • WP_Taxonomy
  • WP_Post_Type
  • WP_Role
  • WP_Network

REST API Response Schemas

Route Schema
/wp/v2/block-directory/search WP_REST_API_Block_Directory_Items
/wp/v2/block-renderer/{name} WP_REST_API_Rendered_Block
/wp/v2/block-types WP_REST_API_Block_Types
/wp/v2/block-types/{namespace} WP_REST_API_Block_Type
/wp/v2/block-types/{namespace}/{name} WP_REST_API_Block_Type
/wp/v2/blocks WP_REST_API_Blocks
/wp/v2/blocks/{id} WP_REST_API_Block
/wp/v2/blocks/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/categories WP_REST_API_Categories
/wp/v2/categories/{id} WP_REST_API_Category
/wp/v2/comments WP_REST_API_Comments
/wp/v2/comments/{id} WP_REST_API_Comment
/wp/v2/global-styles Todo
/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/{stylesheet} Todo
/wp/v2/media WP_REST_API_Attachments
/wp/v2/media/{id} WP_REST_API_Attachment
/wp/v2/media/{id}/edit Todo
/wp/v2/media/{id}/post-process Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/menu-locations Todo
/wp/v2/menu-locations/{location} Todo
/wp/v2/menus Todo
/wp/v2/menus/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/pages WP_REST_API_Posts
/wp/v2/pages/{id} WP_REST_API_Post
/wp/v2/pages/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/pattern-directory/patterns Todo
/wp/v2/plugins Todo
/wp/v2/plugins/{plugin} Todo
/wp/v2/posts WP_REST_API_Posts
/wp/v2/posts/{id} WP_REST_API_Post
/wp/v2/posts/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/search WP_REST_API_Search_Results
/wp/v2/settings WP_REST_API_Settings
/wp/v2/sidebars Todo
/wp/v2/sidebars/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/statuses WP_REST_API_Statuses
/wp/v2/statuses/{status} WP_REST_API_Status
/wp/v2/tags WP_REST_API_Tags
/wp/v2/tags/{id} WP_REST_API_Tag
/wp/v2/taxonomies WP_REST_API_Taxonomies
/wp/v2/taxonomies/{taxonomy} WP_REST_API_Taxonomy
/wp/v2/templates Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/themes Todo
/wp/v2/themes/{stylesheet} Todo
/wp/v2/types WP_REST_API_Types
/wp/v2/types/{type} WP_REST_API_Type
/wp/v2/users WP_REST_API_Users
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me) WP_REST_API_User
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords WP_REST_API_Application_Passwords
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords/{uuid} WP_REST_API_Application_Password
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords/introspect WP_REST_API_Application_Password
/wp/v2/widget-types Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id}/encode Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id}/render Todo
/wp/v2/widgets Todo
/wp/v2/widgets/{id} Todo
Any REST API error WP_REST_API_Error

The REST API schemas use JSON Hyper-Schema.

Property Schemas

Schemas are provided for various properties:

  • WP_Error_Data
  • WP_Error_Messages
  • WP_Post_Type_Caps
  • WP_Post_Type_Labels
  • WP_Post_Type_Rewrite
  • WP_Taxonomy_Caps
  • WP_Taxonomy_Labels
  • WP_Taxonomy_Rewrite
  • WP_User_Cap_Name
  • WP_User_Caps
  • WP_User_Data


Enums are provided for various values:

  • WP_Comment_Status_Name
  • WP_Comment_Type_Name
  • WP_Post_Comment_Status_Name
  • WP_Post_Format_Name
  • WP_Post_Status_Name
  • WP_Post_Type_Name
  • WP_Taxonomy_Name
  • WP_User_Role_Name
  • WP_HTTP_Status_Code


npm install wp-json-schemas


This package is versioned so that you can specify both the schema version and the WordPress branch version in a way that's compatible with semantic versioning. Given version x.y.z:

  • The major version number (x) indicates the schema version number, currently 3
  • The minor version number (y) indicates the WordPress branch version number without its decimal place, currently 59
  • The patch version number (z) indicates the schema patch version number


  • ~3.59.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.9
  • ~3.58.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.8
  • ~3.57.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.7
  • ^3.0.0 - Schema version 3 for the latest WordPress version


Usage depends on what you're doing with the schemas. You could use them for validation or just for understanding the shape of an object.

If you're using TypeScript, check out the TypeScript definitions provided by the wp-types package.


When do these schemas apply?

The PHP object schemas apply whenever a supported PHP object is represented as JSON. For example:

    'let wpPost = %s;',
    wp_json_encode( get_post() )

The REST API object schemas apply to the response to a REST API request. For example:

const api = wp.apiFetch( {
    path: '/wp/v2/categories/'
} );

The schemas also apply outside of an HTTP request, for example if you're saving data as a JSON file and reading it in a Node application.

Why are there different schemas for PHP objects and REST API responses?

An object in a REST API response is not the same as its corresponding object in PHP, in fact they are substantially different.

Schemas are available via an OPTIONS request to the REST API endpoints, but the schemas do not adhere strictly to the JSON Schema standard. Here's an article by Timothy B. Jacobs with more info.

Are these schemas automatically generated from WordPress core?

No. I started down that path (using wp-parser-lib) but realised it's quicker to generate them manually and then copy most of the documentation from core, especially as I'm adding extra documentation and schemas for properties when I can.

How do I know the schemas are accurate?

They're all tested against actual output from WordPress core.

Why aren't the descriptions very good?

The descriptions are mostly copied from WordPress core. I'll update the descriptions in this schema as they're improved in core.


To run the tests:

  • npm install
  • composer install
  • composer test
