
Caches WordPress in mongo using WordPress Jetpack JSON API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wp-node';



Caches WordPress in mongo using a JSON API. It can also cache any json, as long as the request returns an json object.

You can use either WordPress Public API or another plugin like this one: http://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/

After you receive the object you can do anything you need in your views.

Simple usage

  var wpnode = require('wp-node');

    url   : "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json",
    db    : db,   //set your mongo database
    qs    : {    //Define you query variables
      address : 11205,
      sensor  : false
  }, function(r) {

    //Here's your cached data (r)


Setting a time to live

    TTL       : 86400,  //(Optional/Default) Cache time is in seconds.  This will cache the data for a day
    logger    : false,  //(Optional/Default) Turn on for debug mode
    db        : db,     //(Optional) Required if you don't plan to pass your mongo db object when calling the cache method
    endpoint  : 'http://www.yourwordpress.com/api/' //(Required in order to generate a sitemap)

WordPress Functions (Alpha)

Helping with sitemaps

      pre_link: '/blog/post'
    }, function(err, posts){

    if (err) {