
WordPress theme project built with Yarn, Webpack, BrowserSync and React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpReactBoilerplate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wp-react-boilerplate';


R2D2 React WordPress Theme

WordPress theme project built with Yarn, Webpack, BrowserSync and React.

See the working example: www.wpr2d2.com

Getting started

  1. Clone repo to your wp-content/themes folder
  2. In config.json change the proxyURL to point to your WordPress dev url.
  3. Activate the theme in wp-admin
  4. cd into your checked out folder and run yarn
  5. Run yarn start to get Webpack and BrowserSync running

To build for production run:

yarn build

A production-ready React bundle.js file will be written to dist/bundle.js.

Road Map

  • Support for admin bar
  • Custom post type support
  • Custom taxonomy support
  • Death Star :)
