
Command line tool for renaming WordPress themes.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpThemeRenameCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wp-theme-rename-cli';


WP Theme Rename CLI

Command line tool that renames WordPress themes.


With node.js and npm:

npm install wp-theme-rename-cli


Theme must have the style.css with the proper Theme name and Text domain declarations.

How to use

From the same folder with the style.css run the following command

wp-theme-rename -s=slug -n=Name

This command will rename all prefixes, handles, text domains, Dockblock comments and other things with the ocurrances of the theme name.



Reqired. New slug for the theme.


Reqired. New name for the theme.


Optional. Coma-separated list of folders to exclude from renaming. The default list of excludede folsers is node_modules, .git, .sass-cache, .hg, .svn, .CVS, cache.


Optional. Coma-separated list of files to exclude from renaming.


Optional. Coma-separated list of files to exclude from renaming. The default list of extensions is php, html, js, json, css, scss, sass, txt, md, pot.


Let's say you want to reanme some theme to Buster with a buster slug.

wp-theme-rename -s=buster -n=Buster -folderExclude=template-parts

Rename the theme but leave the template-parts folder intact.

wp-theme-rename -s=buster -n=Buster -fileExclude=functions.php

Rename the theme but leave the functions.php file intact.

wp-theme-rename -s=buster -n=Buster -extensions=php

Rename only php files.