
TypeScript definitions of WordPress PHP objects and REST API responses.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpTypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wp-types';



WordPress TypeScript Definitions

This package provides well-documented TypeScript definitions that describe the shape of:

  • WordPress PHP objects such as WP_Post, WP_Term, and WP_User
  • WordPress REST API responses such as from /wp/v2/posts and /wp/v2/users
  • Various property types and allowed values of both

The definitions were last updated for WordPress 5.8.

What's included?

Interfaces for PHP objects

  • WP_Post
  • WP_Term
  • WP_User
  • WP_Comment
  • WP_Error
  • WP_Query
  • WP_Block
  • WP_Block_Type
  • WP_Site
  • WP_Locale
  • WP_Taxonomy
  • WP_Post_Type
  • WP_Role
  • WP_Network

Interfaces for REST API response objects

Route Schema
/wp/v2/block-directory/search WP_REST_API_Block_Directory_Items
/wp/v2/block-renderer/{name} WP_REST_API_Rendered_Block
/wp/v2/block-types WP_REST_API_Block_Types
/wp/v2/block-types/{namespace} WP_REST_API_Block_Type
/wp/v2/block-types/{namespace}/{name} WP_REST_API_Block_Type
/wp/v2/blocks WP_REST_API_Blocks
/wp/v2/blocks/{id} WP_REST_API_Block
/wp/v2/blocks/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/blocks/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/categories WP_REST_API_Categories
/wp/v2/categories/{id} WP_REST_API_Category
/wp/v2/comments WP_REST_API_Comments
/wp/v2/comments/{id} WP_REST_API_Comment
/wp/v2/global-styles Todo
/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/{stylesheet} Todo
/wp/v2/media WP_REST_API_Attachments
/wp/v2/media/{id} WP_REST_API_Attachment
/wp/v2/media/{id}/edit Todo
/wp/v2/media/{id}/post-process Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/menu-items/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/menu-locations Todo
/wp/v2/menu-locations/{location} Todo
/wp/v2/menus Todo
/wp/v2/menus/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/navigation/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/pages WP_REST_API_Posts
/wp/v2/pages/{id} WP_REST_API_Post
/wp/v2/pages/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/pages/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/pattern-directory/patterns Todo
/wp/v2/plugins Todo
/wp/v2/plugins/{plugin} Todo
/wp/v2/posts WP_REST_API_Posts
/wp/v2/posts/{id} WP_REST_API_Post
/wp/v2/posts/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/revisions WP_REST_API_Revisions
/wp/v2/posts/{parent}/revisions/{id} WP_REST_API_Revision
/wp/v2/search WP_REST_API_Search_Results
/wp/v2/settings WP_REST_API_Settings
/wp/v2/sidebars Todo
/wp/v2/sidebars/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/statuses WP_REST_API_Statuses
/wp/v2/statuses/{status} WP_REST_API_Status
/wp/v2/tags WP_REST_API_Tags
/wp/v2/tags/{id} WP_REST_API_Tag
/wp/v2/taxonomies WP_REST_API_Taxonomies
/wp/v2/taxonomies/{taxonomy} WP_REST_API_Taxonomy
/wp/v2/templates Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/templates/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{id}/autosaves Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/autosaves/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/revisions Todo
/wp/v2/template-parts/{parent}/revisions/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/themes Todo
/wp/v2/themes/{stylesheet} Todo
/wp/v2/types WP_REST_API_Types
/wp/v2/types/{type} WP_REST_API_Type
/wp/v2/users WP_REST_API_Users
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me) WP_REST_API_User
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords WP_REST_API_Application_Passwords
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords/{uuid} WP_REST_API_Application_Password
/wp/v2/users/({id}|me)/application-passwords/introspect WP_REST_API_Application_Password
/wp/v2/widget-types Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id} Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id}/encode Todo
/wp/v2/widget-types/{id}/render Todo
/wp/v2/widgets Todo
/wp/v2/widgets/{id} Todo
Any enveloped REST API response WP_REST_API_Envelope<T>
Any REST API error WP_REST_API_Error


Interfaces are used for the structure of several properties:

  • WP_Error_Data
  • WP_Error_Messages
  • WP_Post_Type_Caps
  • WP_Post_Type_Labels
  • WP_Post_Type_Rewrite
  • WP_Taxonomy_Caps
  • WP_Taxonomy_Labels
  • WP_Taxonomy_Rewrite
  • WP_User_Cap_Name
  • WP_User_Caps
  • WP_User_Data


String enums are used for values of several properties:

  • WP_Comment_Status_Name
  • WP_Comment_Type_Name
  • WP_Post_Comment_Status_Name
  • WP_Post_Format_Name
  • WP_Post_Status_Name
  • WP_Post_Type_Name
  • WP_Taxonomy_Name
  • WP_User_Role_Name
  • WP_HTTP_Status_Code


npm install wp-types --save-dev


This package is versioned so that you can specify both the schema version and the WordPress branch version in a way that's compatible with semantic versioning. Given version x.y.z:

  • The major version number (x) indicates the schema version number, currently 3
  • The minor version number (y) indicates the WordPress branch version number without its decimal place, currently 59
  • The patch version number (z) indicates the schema patch version number


  • ~3.59.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.9
  • ~3.58.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.8
  • ~3.57.0 - Schema version 3 for WordPress 5.7
  • ^3.0.0 - Schema version 3 for the latest WordPress version


Usage with objects from PHP represented as JSON:

import type { WP_Post } from 'wp-types';

function get_title( post: WP_Post ): string {
    return post.post_title;

Usage with the REST API, for example when using apiFetch():

import type {
} from 'wp-types';

// Posts, Pages, and custom post types:
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Posts> = wp.apiFetch( {
    path: '/wp/v2/posts/',
} );

// Users:
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Users> = wp.apiFetch( {
    path: '/wp/v2/users/',
} );

// Media attachments:
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Attachments> = wp.apiFetch( {
    path: '/wp/v2/media/',
} );

// Enveloped responses (with `?_envelope`):
const api: Promise<WP_REST_API_Envelope<WP_REST_API_Tags>> = wp.apiFetch( {
    path: '/wp/v2/tags/?_envelope',
} );

// Errors from any of the above:
api.catch( ( error: WP_REST_API_Error ) => {
    alert( error.message );
} );


When do these definitions apply?

The PHP object definitions apply whenever a supported PHP object is represented as JSON. How you do that depends on your application, but here is an example:

    'let wpPost = %s;',
    wp_json_encode( get_post() )

The REST API object definitions apply to the response to a REST API request, for example when using apiFetch().

The definitions also apply outside of the browser, for example if you're saving data as JSON and reading it in a Node application.

How do I know these definitions are valid?

They're generated directly from the wp-json-schemas package, which is itself tested using output from WordPress core.

If you'd like to contribute to these definitions, please contribute upstream to the wp-json-schemas package. Thanks!

Can I use the enums as values in my code?

Yes, but:

  • You might need preserveConstEnums enabled in your TypeScript config
  • You should import enums as you would a regular module, not as a type
  • You cannot iterate enums (this is a TypeScript restriction)


import { WP_Post_Type_Name } from 'wp-types';

console.log( WP_Post_Type_Name.auto_draft );
