
Get wikipedia page view statistics for all pages in chosen category and subcategories

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpageviews from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wpageviews';



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Simple module which helps to get monthly page views for wikipedia pages belonging to some category and all its subcategories using data from http://stats.grok.se.

Warning: statistics is collected for all subcategories of given category, so getting data for high-level categories might take long. There is a random delay (500 to 2000 ms) before each request to http://stats.grok.se. Queries to wikipedia API are also throttled by nodemw package.

You can get total page views for any period from 1 to 90 days. Note, however, that stats.grok.se returns values either for 30, 60 or 90 days. Data is then sliced to required period. This also means that getting page views for 31 days takes significantly longer than getting page views for 30 days.


npm install wpageviews --save


var PageViewsCollector = require('wpageviews')

var pageViewsCollector = new PageViewsCollector({
  lang: 'en',
  period: 7 //valid values are from 1 to 90

pageViewsCollector.getPageViews('Some category')
.then(function(pageViewsArray) {
  pageViewsArray.forEach(function(pageViews) {
    // Page title

    // Array of categories reflecting the path to this page from root category
    // Note that these are not the categories of the page

    // Total page view for given period


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