
Base library for a WPILib WebSocket robot (Client/Server implementations)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpilibWsRobot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wpilib-ws-robot';



Library for creating robots controllable via WPILib's WebSocket protocol


npm install wpilib-ws-robot


This package consists of two main units, an abstract class representing a robot (WPILibWSRobotBase) and an endpoint (either client or server) that links a provided WPILibWSRobotBase-derived class and the protocol implementation from node-wpilib-ws. The endpoint (WPILibWSRobotEndpoint) acts as an interface between the WPILib WebSocket protocol implementation and the robot controller.


To start, create a robot controller class that extends from WPILibWSRobotBase. This abstract base class provides methods to interact with robot "hardware" (this can be actual hardware, or even a simulated robot). See src/debug-robot.ts for a simplistic example.

With a concrete robot controller class in hand, you can then create an endpoint, passing in the robot controller as a parameter. Endpoints come in two flavors, a client or a server.

To create a server (which interacts with the halsim_ws_client extension):

const endpointServer = WPILibWSRobotEndpoint.createServer(robot, optionalServerConfig);

Similarly, to create a client (which interacts with the halsim_ws_server extension):

const endpointClient = WPILibWSRobotEndpoint.createClient(robot, optionalClientConfig);

Once your endpoint is created, start it up with the startP() method, which resolves a promise when the protocol interface and robot are ready.

.then(() => {
    console.log("System Ready");

Example Implementations

This library is designed to make it easy to implement a robot controller interface. For a more feature complete example, look at the reference robot design