Log in to Wordpress
npm install
Test Eventual Success Locally
# Will succeed on the 500th request
# Start server locally...
node ./local.js
# In new terminal...
node ./ -d ./dict.example -v -s5 -r -h 'localhost:3000/500'
Test Eventual Block Locally
# Will block incoming requests after 300
# Start server locally...
node ./local.js
# In new terminal...
node ./ -d ./dict.example -v -s5 -r -h 'localhost:3000/-300'
Test Live Website Using Several Dictionaries in One Folder
node ./ -h '' -u admin -d ./~dicts -v -s5 -r
- -h [HOST]
- The website's root domain
- Required
- Ex: -h ''
- -p [PATH]
- Path to wp-login.php
- Default: '/wp-login.php'
- Ex: -p '/blog/wp-login.php'
- Username to test passwords against
- Default: 'admin'
- Ex: -u 'dave'
- -d [PATH]
- Path to password list(s)
- Can be a specific file or a directory
- Dictionaries must be new-line delimited
- Default: './dict.example'
- Ex: -d ./~dicts
- Path to password list(s)
- -t [INTEGER]
- Max concurrent curl threads. Lower this to avoid IP blocks. Raise it to increase speed.
- May need to up your system's process limit. Ex: ulimit -S -n 2048
- Default: 8
- Ex: -t4
- Max concurrent curl threads. Lower this to avoid IP blocks. Raise it to increase speed.
- -r
- Quit on match found
- Default: disabled; will continue testing until blocked or dictionary is spent
- -v
- Verbose
- Default: disabled
- -s [INTEGER]
- Interval in seconds to output stats
- Default: null (no output)
- Ex: -s10
- -f
- Try all passwords even if the result has been saved locally. You can also simply wipe your ./db folder.
- Default: disabled; Results from previous script runs will be skipped.
To Do
- Use hyperquest instead of curl. I've benchmarked vastly improved speed and resource allocation efficiency.
- Adaptive curl timing
- Stricter confirmation that we haven't been blocked and don't know it