
Vulnerability scanner for WordPress

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpscan from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wpscan';



wpscan is a Node.js CLI tool that allows you to quickly scan WordPress sites looking for known vulnerabilities, security issues and misconfigurations. wpscan helps you secure and maintain your WordPress against hackers.

Dependency Status Code Climate Build Status Known Vulnerabilities



npm install --global wpscan
  • wpscan requires Node.js >= 6 and npm.
  • Fix npm permissions if you get the Permission denied error.


wpscan <url> [url] [options]

url → WordPress site URL (e.g. https://ma.tt)

Multiple URLs can be separated by spaces.


Option Shortcut Description
--help -h Outputs supplied help text.
--silent -s Disables success and info messages. Displays warnings only.
--rules-dir -r Loads additional rules from a directory (see Custom rules).
--bulk-file -b Reads additional WordPress site URLs from a text file (see Bulk scan).
--ignore-rule -i Skips loading and execution of a specific rule (see Ignore rules).
--user-agent -u Defines a custom User-Agent string. Default is wpscan.

Quick examples

wpscan https://ma.tt
wpscan https://ma.tt --silent
wpscan https://ma.tt --rules-dir ~/path/to/custom/rules
wpscan https://ma.tt --bulk-file ~/path/to/sources.txt
wpscan https://ma.tt --user-agent "Netscape Gold"
wpscan https://ma.tt --ignore-rule wp-login.js

Default rules

wpscan has a few rules that are enabled by default. Follow also our WordPress security best practices to fix vulnerabilities detected by wpscan default rules.

1. Checks sensitive WordPress/Apache/Dot files for their availability
  • /wp-config.php
  • /wp-admin/maint/repair.php
  • /.htaccess
  • /.htpasswd
  • /.ssh
  • /.npmrc
  • /.gitconfig
  • /config.json
  • /wp-config-sample.php
  • /wp-content/debug.log
2. Scans WordPress login page for security issues
  • Basic access authentication
  • HTTPS protocol usage
3. Checks whether WordPress is affected by FPD vulnerability
4. Checks whether the Apache directory listing is activated

Custom rules

The power of wpscan is the flexibility: You can expand the tool functionality by building their own rules, scans and checks. The option --rules-dir allows loading of user-defined rules from a custom directory.

  • The directory path
    • can be absolute or relative to the wpscan folder
  • The custom rules
    • must be stored as .js files
    • can be a Node.js script
    • can be a npm package
    • must have an exported function named fire
exports.fire = ( data ) => {
    // Play with data
    // console.log( data )

wpscan will run (technically require) every custom rule file. The file naming does not matter, short and unique names are welcome. Feel free to create your own rules, enjoy!

Get inspired

Ignore rule(s)

wpscan can skip certain default and custom rules. The CLI option --ignore-rule takes a rule name, the rule name is the JavaScript file name of the rule without path. Multiple rule filtering is possible by a multiple use of the CLI option.

wpscan ma.tt --ignore-rule wp-login.js
wpscan ma.tt --ignore-rule wp-login.js --ignore-rule sensitive-files.js
wpscan ma.tt --rules-dir ./example/rules --ignore-rule custom-rule.js

Bulk scan

Multiple WordPress site URLs can be imported from a single file. This is a simple text file with one URL per line.

wpscan -b ~/path/to/sources.txt

Use, don't abuse!