
### What is Wpp Wpp stands for WritingPromptPipeline, which is a tool that serves a much larger purpose. The idea is that another app, which has a cronjob, runs this pipeline in order to extract the newest writing prompts from _/r/writingprompts_.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wpw from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wpw';



What is Wpp

Wpp stands for WritingPromptPipeline, which is a tool that serves a much larger purpose. The idea is that another app, which has a cronjob, runs this pipeline in order to extract the newest writing prompts from /r/writingprompts.


I tried to simplify this as much as possible, so each file serves one and one purpose only. Starting the pipeline is as easy as:

const pipeline = require('pipeline')


the pipeline takes over and extracts the 20 newest writing prompts, cleans them and returns them. The cronjob app has another pipeline where the cleaned responses are stored in a database.


Any ideas or corrections -> open issue :D


Oscar Elizondo