
Wrap scripts by providing the wrapping function.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrabbit from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrabbit';


wrabbit :rabbit: :rabbit2:

Wrap scripts by providing the wrapping function.


Run the following commands to download and install the application:

$ npm i -g wrabbit

or from git:

$ git clone git@github.com:jillix/wrabbit.git wrabbit
$ cd wrabbit
$ npm install

Then you can run:

$ wrabbit -h
# or
$ ./bin/wrabbit -h


req(url, callback)

Creates a request to the provided url.


  • String url: The script url.
  • Function callback: The callback function.


  • Request The request object.

wrap(content, wrapline)

Wrap content with the wrapping code.


  • String content: The content to wrap.
  • String wrapline: The wrapping line (which will be prepended to the content).


  • String The wrapped content.

wrapUrl(url, wrapline, callback)

Wraps the content of a script by providing its url.


  • String url: The script url.
  • String wrapline: The wrapping line (which will be prepended to the content).
  • Function callback: The callback function.


  • Request The request object.

stream(url, wrapline, stream, callback)

Pipes data from the provided url to a stream.


  • String url: The script url.
  • String wrapline: The wrapping line (which will be prepended to the content).
  • String stream: The output stream.

server(options, callback)

Starts the Wrabbit server.


  • Object|Number options: The Lien server options or the server port.
  • Function callback: The callback function called after the server is started.

How to contribute

  1. File an issue in the repository, using the bug tracker, describing the contribution you'd like to make. This will help us to get you started on the right foot.
  2. Fork the project in your account and create a new branch: your-great-feature.
  3. Commit your changes in that branch.
  4. Open a pull request, and reference the initial issue in the pull request message.


See the LICENSE file.