wrap-cache (Uses both persistent and ttl based cache with time stamp to serve stale data on data source failover)
Cache wrapper in node js for wrapping your functions with fail-over data source handling to serve stale data from cache
Currently 2 stores are supported.
- Memory
- Redis
Use Redis for persistent caches.
var node_cache_wrapper = require('wrap-cache');
var failoverCache = node_cache_wrapper.debug.register(new node_cache_wrapper.Create({
id: 2,
expiry: 300,
failover_expiry: 30, // in secs,
maxAge:600, //in secs (optional if not given ttl will be infinite)
redis: {host:'localhost', port: 6379},
hash: 1 // for key hashing(in case of long keys)
}), 'failoverCache');
// test function
function test(a, b, cb) {
//async call any to your db , api etc
db.get("foo1", function(err, res) {
return cb(null, res);
var cTest = failoverCache.wrap(test);
cTest(2, 3, function(err, res) {
console.log(err, res);
//that's it get the cached result now