
Official SDK/library for running APIs created on WrapAPI (https://wrapapi.com)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrapapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrapapi';


WrapAPI Javascript client library/SDK

This library makes using the APIs at WrapAPI easier by automatically managing sessions and checking inputs, as an alternaive to manually crafting HTTP requests. It is built on top of axios, and can be used both on the server- and client-side.


Basic usage

To initialize the client, create an instance with your API key.

var wrapapi = require('wrapapi');
var client = new wrapapi.Client('Your API key goes here');

Once initialized, it's easy to send simple requests.

client.run('phsource', 'hackernews', 'login', '1.0.0', {
  acct: 'username',
  pw: 'password'
}).then(function(response) {
  // Will output { success: true, outputScenario: ..., data: ..., stateToken }

  return client.run('phsource', 'hackernews', 'index', 'latest', null, response.stateToken);
}).catch(function(e) { ... }).

You can also create a session so that state tokens returned by WrapAPI are automatically used for subsequent requests:

var session = client.Session();
session.run('phsource', 'hackernews', 'login', '1.0.0', {
  acct: 'username',
  pw: 'password'
}).then(function(response) {
  return session.run('phsource', 'hackernews', 'index', 'latest');
  // The stateToken from the login call above is automatically saved and used
  // for this subsequent request, so this code does the same as the previous
  // example
}).catch(function(e) { ... }).


  • var client = new wrapapi.Client(apiKey): instantiates a new client
  • client:
    • client.run(username, repository, name, version[, data, stateToken]): calls a WrapAPI API element. Returns a Promise that will be passed the response data from WrapAPI.
      • Errors: If the result from WrapAPI indicates an error, a wrapapi.Error will be thrown with the error details in an array of messages and the machine-readable error types in errTypes. This will happen if, for example, the API element doesn't exist, the API key is invalid, or no output scenarios matched the API element's output.
    • client.Session(): creates a session object that will keep track of stateTokens and automatically use them in subsequent requests. Sessions have the same APIs as client, so client.Session().run has the same arguments as above