
Wrap code for usage as an amd/cjs/whatever module.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrapfor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrapfor';


wrapfor Build Status

Wrap code for usage as an amd/cjs/whatever module.


var input = "var method = function () { return true; };"

Generate an AMD module:

wrapfor.amd(input, {exports:'method'});

// ^ returns a string containing
define(function(require) {
var method = function() { return true; };
return method;

Generate an AMD module with dependencies inline:

wrapfor.amd(input, {
  deps: {
    "_": "lodash"
  exports: "method"

// ^ returns a string containing
define(function(require) {
var _ = require('lodash');
var method = function() { return true; };
return method;

Generate a CommonJS module:

wrapfor.cjs(input, {exports:'method'});

// ^ returns a string containing
var method = function() { return true; };
module.exports = method;

Generate a CommonJS module with dependencies inline:

wrapfor.cjs(input, {
  deps: {
    "_": "lodash"
  exports: "method"

// ^ returns a string containing
var _ = require('lodash');
var method = function() { return true; };
module.exports = method;


wrapfor.cjs(input, opts)
wrapfor.amd(input, opts)


Type: String Default: 'none'

A string containing javascript to be wrapped.


Type: Object Default: {}

A configuration object supporting the following keys:

  • exports: the variable to export
  • deps: an object listing dependencies to load and which variable to store them in

Release History

  • 2013-11-04 - v0.1 - initial release