
A small wrapper for webpack.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrappedWebpackBundler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrapped-webpack-bundler';



A small package wrapped around webpack, used for dealing with bundling over bunches of webpack configurations.

This package contains some common code for starting webpack programatically. Webpack-dev-middleware & webpack-hot-middleware are integrated and middleware instances can be obtained easily.


In development mode, WebpackBundler uses webpack-dev-middleware & webpack-hot-middleware for any "non-node-targeted" configurations.

import WebpackBundler = require('bundler');
import webpackConf from '/path/to/webpack/configuration';

const bundler = new WebpackBundler({
  mode: 'development'

  .then(() => {
    // webpack-dev-middleware & webpack-hot-middleware.
    const middlewares = builder.middlewares();
    // ...


  • mode - 'development' | 'production' | 'none'.

  • hot - True to enable webpack-hot-middleware.

  • logger - Defaults to webpack-log. Set to false to disable logging.

  • webpackConfs - A webpack configuration object or an array of webpack configs.

  • devMiddlewareOptions - Options that'll pass to webpack-dev-middleware.

  • hotMiddlewareOptions - Options that'll pass to webpack-hot-middleware.

  • hooks - Add your compiler hooks in this field, for example:

    new WebpackBundler({
      hooks: {
        compiler: {
          // Pass in an object here.
          done: {
            name: 'foo',        // Plugin name.
            tapType: 'tapAsync',// Tap type.
            handler(stats) {    // Handler.
          // Or simply just a handler.
          compile(compParam) {
    // which will be merged into compilation:
    compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync('foo', handler);
    compiler.hooks.compile.tap('a-random-string', afterEmit);

    If the given hooks do not exist, they'll fail silently.