
Wrapper for runtime natives to allow stubbing in unit tests.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrapple from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrapple';


wrapple travis build dependencies dependencies

Dependency free wrapping function for browser natives to allow stubbing in unit tests.

Accessing natives through a thin wrapper makes stubbing possible, where it would otherwise be impossible.

You can use it with pretty much all globals defined on the window object.

Link Seam

In Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Michael Feathers describes Seams. In the vernacular of that book, wrapple would most likely be described as a Link Seam.


wrapple should be able to run in most environments that can execute JavaScript

ES5.1 required

wrapple uses a couple of methods from ES5.1

If you need to support old browsers, you should ensure that these have been polyfilled.

Node.js supported

wrapple can work in Node.js environments just like in browser environments.


Access browser natives through wrapple

Step 1

// use whatever local name you like
var wrap = require('wrapple');

// ensure that wrapple has wrapped the property you're interested in
// this is idempotent, call it many times with no ill effects

// directly use the returned global
var hostname = wrap('location').hostname;

Step 2

Now that your application code is using wrapped globals, you can target the wrapper function for stubbing, spying, etc.

var stub = sinon.stub(wrap, 'location', function(){
    return {
        hostname: 'wrapple.example.com'

// ...

Step 3

Tidy up your tests

// using sinon

// or using wrapple.reset



// wrap - adds a wrapped property method to the wrapple api
// returns a function that returns window.location
// also creates wrap.location method as target for stubbing

// add and use immediately
var hostname = wrap('location').hostname;

// use via dedicated method
// ...
var hostname = wrap.location().hostname;


// reset, removes all wrapper methods from wrapple api

Unwrappable methods

These globals on the window object are not wrappable, as creating the returning methods on wrapple would interfere with the wrap function.

  • constructor
  • isPrototypeOf
  • length
  • name
  • propertyIsEnumerable
  • toLocaleString
  • toString

That shouldn't be too much of a problem, as they seem unlikely targets for stubbing.



MIT: http://mrgnrdrck.mit-license.org


In no way affiliated with, but admiring wrapple.jp