Transform CommonJS modules to combined AMD (requirejs) files. Pack multiple related modules together, and make your initial pageload smaller.
npm install wrapup-partition
wrapup-partition partition --map mapping.json --output build
Configuration file
In the mapping/configuration file you can define which modules end up in which output file. Here you can group files together.
"main.js": [
"dialog.js": [
Modules required by a file specified in this configuration are added to that file if this module isn't required by some other module.
For example consider this graph:
homepage tweetDialog
\ / \
\ / parseTweetText
Even though animation
or parseTweetText
are not specified in the
configuration, parseTweetText
is added to dialog.js
, because it only has
parents that are also in the dialog.js
. animation
however is added to the
because its parents are in multiple files.
You can use the node/commonjs require()
function as many times you like,
except when you want to split the parts. In that case you should use the
asynchronous requirejs
function. The main JavaScript file configures
requirejs so you can use the original module names.
function openTweetDialog() {
requirejs(['tweetDialog'], function(dialog){;
This automatically loads the dialog.js
file once.
In all other cases, you can simply use the require
function, for example to
load the tweetParser
var parse = require('./parseTweetText'); = function() { /* ... */ };
Rewriting module names
Sometimes module names can get very long, especially when your original file
structure contains multiple levels. That's why wrapup-partition
can rename
module IDs. This works very good, except when you want to dynamically load
other modules. Thats is where you need to know the renamed ID.
This can be solved by using the standard wrapup-require
or wrapup-names
modules. The first one contains a requirejs
like function that automatically
maps the module names, and the second contains a look-up object.
function openTweetDialog() {
// require the wrapup-require module first
requirejs(['wrapup-require'], fuction(req) {
// then use it to require the tweetDialog
req(['tweetDialog'], function(dialog) {;
In reality the tweetDialog module looks something like
define('c', ['require', 'exports', 'module', 'd'], function(r, e, m){
var parse = r('d'); = function() { /* ... */ };
instead of:
define('tweetDialog', ['require', 'exports', 'module', 'parseTweetText'], function(r, e, m){
var parse = r('parseTweetText'); = function() { /* ... */ };
When you require the wrapup-names
you will get an object like:
"c": "tweetDialog",
"d": "parseTweetText"