
Promisified version of write-file-atomic

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import writeFileAtomically from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/write-file-atomically';



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Promisified version of write-file-atomic:

an extension for node's fs.writeFile that makes its operation atomic and allows you set ownership (uid/gid of the file)

const {readFileSync} = require('fs');
const writeFileAtomically = require('write-file-atomically');

(async () => {
  await writeFileAtomically('file.txt', 'Hi!');
  readFileSync('file.txt', 'utf8'); //=> 'Hi!'


Use npm.

npm install write-file-atomically


const writeFileAtomically = require('write-file-atomically');

writeFileAtomically(filename, data [, options])

filename: string, Buffer or URL (a file path where the file to be written)
data: string or Buffer (file contents)
options: Object or string (directly used as write-file-atomic options)
Return: Promise

It asynchronously writes data to the given file path in an atomic manner:

The file is initially named filename + "." + murmurhex(__filename, process.pid, ++invocations). If writeFile completes successfully then, if passed the chown option it will change the ownership of the file. Finally it renames the file back to the filename you specified.


ISC License © 2018 Shinnosuke Watanabe