
A README Generator using NodeJS and Inquirer.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import writemereadme from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/writemereadme';


WritemeREADME 🎉


👇 Description 👇

A console application to streamline creating readme files for developers. Upon running WritemeREADME, the user is presented with a series of prompts that were created using inquirer. After completed the application then generates a new README.md file in the specified directory (last prompt).

The purpose is to make writing a solid README simpler and less time consuming.

Table of Contents

Installation Instructions 📣

Download Manually

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm i in root directory of your project.


npm install writemeREADME

Usage 🖱️

Cloned Directory

-Navigate to root directory of writemeREADME in terminal

-Type node index.js

-Answer Prompts

--To test it out you can use https://loremflickr.com/320/240 to generate random images as placeholders for screenshots section.

-You'll find your generated README in the directory you designated.

-Enjoy 😎

NPM Install

//imports module
const writeme = require('writemereadme')

//calls the function

  • Then just use the application

Alternatively, you can very easily not answer any of the prompts and just let it create a nice template for you to fill out at your leisure.

License 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

This application is covered by the BSD_3_Clause license.

Contributors 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Peter Roto

Screenshots & Video 📷

Code Snapshot Generated Product Active Screenshot
Screenshot of code Screenshot of README file generated with this application Screenshot of code


writemeREADME Demo

Questions ❔

For any issues or feedback please email me, find my email address below

(Subject: writemeREADME Support)

:octocat: Find me on GitHub: Proto133

📬 Email me with any questions: peterdroto@gmail.com

🤯   WHOA!   🤯
This README was generated with writemeREADME