
A tiny (148B) weighted round robin utility

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrr';


wrr build status codecov

A tiny (148B) weighted round robin utility

At its core, a "weighted round robin" (wrr) will skew a list's random selection towards list items that have more weight given to them.
This is generally seen in load-balancing contexts, but wrr is not at all limited to that scenario.

From the NGINX glossary:

Weighted round robin – A weight is assigned to each server based on criteria chosen by the site administrator; the most commonly used criterion is the server’s traffic‑handling capacity. The higher the weight, the larger the proportion of client requests the server receives. If, for example, server A is assigned a weight of 3 and server B a weight of 1, the load balancer forwards 3 requests to server A for each 1 it sends to server B.

This module exposes three module definitions:

  • ES Module: dist/wrr.mjs
  • CommonJS: dist/wrr.js
  • UMD: dist/wrr.min.js


$ npm install --save wrr


Related to the NGINX example above

import wrr from 'wrr';

const servers = [
    // 3x capacity of B; picked 3x more often than B
    { item: 'Server A', weight: 3 },
    // our "base unit" for comparison
    { item: 'Server B', weight: 1 },
    // 2x capacity of B; picked 2x more often than B
    { item: 'Server C', weight: 2 },

// Create reusable instance
const toPickServer = wrr(servers);

toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server C'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server C'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server B'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server C'
toPickServer(); //=> 'Server A'



Returns: Function

Returns the function that should be used to select from your items.
You should only call wrr when your items change.


Type: Array

The candidates for selection, each of which must be an object of Weighted shape:

interface Weighted<T> {
    /** The item's weight (non-decimal) */
    weight: number;
    /** The array item */
    item: T;

You can use any rubric for your weight value; however, only whole-number integers are allowed.

The item key can hold any value you'd like. This is what's returned to you directly.


MIT © Luke Edwards