
Generates React component folder, component file and scss file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrrGen from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrr-gen';


NYC Parks Component Generator

A command line tool that uses a hard-coded React component template to generate:

  • a component folder
  • a scss file
  • a functional component file following single element format with
    • PropTypes setup
    • css modules and classnames setup
    • accepting children and classNames props from parent, spreading ...props


Global Install

npm install wrr-gen -g


  • In your terminal, navigate to the folder under which you want to add the component folder, e.g. /components/generic/
  • On the command line, type wrr-gen and hit enter.
  • respond to the prompt with your component name e.g. Button
  • Alternately, you can just put your component name in the command and it will immediately create the files/folder: wrr-gen MyComponentName
  • open in your editor and develop


Interactive Prompt (no name argument)

Example showing output of command 'wrr-gen'

Name Argument (immediate creation of files/folders)

Example showing output of command 'wrr-gen' with a name argument