
Format http request and static-type response in generic. Version 2.0.0 now supports angular5.0.0

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wsFormatHttprequest from '';


Format http request and static-type response in generic.

Build Status

install this package:

npm install ws-format-httprequest --s

Use it

First, you should create an interface for response type you want (in typescript):

/*this type must match your server return. */
interface APIResponse{

And make extends for your custom class:

export class MyAPIClass extends FormatHttpAsyncClient <APIresponse>{
    // ......

Then, you can send request and receive response in static-type and sync-syntax in your code like this:

testFuct = async () => {
    const options = new RequestOptions{/* create your http request options if need*/}
    // options' default value is undefined, type's default is HttpType.GET, args is undefined as default.
   const [succeed,error,result] = await  this.InvokeAsync('the url you want send request', options, HttpType.POST, JSON.stringfy({name:'sb', age:66}));
           // check your server code to decide what to do next.
           // if the code is not allowed, alert to notify if you want here.
       // succeed=false means the request is failed by some mistakes such as internet-problems. So throw error if you need here.

It's easy.