
EventEmitter like API for WebSocket, in browser-side.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wsJsonBrowser from '';


ws-json-browser adds a little abstraction to websocket

EventEmitter like API for WebSocket, in browser-side.


This module is writtern in CommonJS protocol. You need to use Browserify to package code in browsers.

npm install ws-json-browser
client = require "ws-json-browser"

client.connect "localhost", 3000, (ws) ->

  ws.emit 'greet', 'hello server', (data) ->
    console.log 'server returns:', data

  ws.on 'welcome', (data, res) ->
    console.log 'server say:', data
    res 'got it'

  ws.on "repeat", (data, res) ->
    setTimeout (-> res data), 2000
    console.log "repeat", data

  ws.emit 'repeat', 20

  ws.onclose ->
    console.log 'server disturbed'


Connect to server:

  • client.connect: domain, port, (ws) ->, domain is optional and defaults to be location.hostname

Communication is based on [key, value, id]:

  • ws.emit: key, value, (data) ->, data is what server callbacked, both value and data are optional.

  • ws.on: key, (value, res) ->, res can be used like res value to send data back

When close:

  • ws.onclose: ->
  • ws.closed

Since there might be lots of connections and many instances of ws. ws objects may fail to be garbage collected. To stay away from memory leak, a solution from Backbone.

  • ws.listenTo: source, eventName, (value) ->, it uses .removeListener() internally


Read for more.


  • 0.0.6

    • Fix mutiple listeners on the same event name